Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Minimum Length Sailing Boat Atlantic

Frascati period of doubt

While this restaurant and I are neighbors. So since it opened its doors (this summer I think), I sniffed when I pass, I look more or less discreetly if it's full, and I pricks up his ears when we talk ... And then when I finally decide to go, early January, to finally hear the famous "you're full."
I am making a quick withdrawal from 3 Chinon, and two weeks later, I'm back, finally decided to fight.
The place is welcoming. I know it is very ideal our Italy, with clips that pass the old-fashioned TV, pictures of Italian actresses on the walls ... There's even Marcello. But let's be clear, I am not a fan of the decor sleek and I feel more comfortable in the build, so I cover a wall of cards, it's my mix.
I take linguine with tuna, capers, anchovies and a green vegetable whose name I forget. Not bad, the pasta is cooked, the taste I like spicy, but ultimately I think we do not feel quite the capers and anchovies ... I would have liked something further stated ... In addition to the cook, very kindly indeed, reversed its pan sauce on my plate, and suddenly the report pasta sauce is not respected.
Meanwhile the friend with whom I dine takes ravioli, spinach gorgonzola I think (but not sure at all), which seem to fill with ease. The service is friendly, attentive and a bit sarcastic. We feel that they have often used.
If I had to sum? Well I'm not sure what to think. Already I did not input, so I really only dish for me to decide. I definitely liked moderately, but I feel that I maybe bad luck on the flat. So far I will not tell you that it is the Italian of the century, but it is always better than the neighboring Little Italy ...
My decision? Y return to issue a final opinion. This post is maturing.
Stay tuned.
47 rue du Temple 75004
Price: € 16-18 for pasta.
01 42 71 06 11


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