Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kate Nash Foundations Piano Partition

Brief History of the Crime Squad at the approach of its centenary

Birth of the Criminal Section

1912. Despite ongoing support to forensic science and work Alphonse Bertillon, the Prefect of Police Louis Lepine aging is, in the field of security in Paris, a prey to ever more virulent critics of the council and the press. The more reporters echo acts of incivility perpetrated by the "Apache" and the ineffectiveness of the police headquarters, unable to stem the increase in violent crime in the capital. In competition with the early successes in the province of men Celestine Hennion, the Director of General Security, which has created the first mobile brigades five years earlier - the famous Tiger Brigades - , the Prefect Lepine is caught in the throat during the events related to "Bonnot gang." Against the "sinister deeds of daring robbers in a car," the Sûreté of Paris - Security Service - installed dock Goldsmiths since 1891, poorly equipped, pays a heavy price. On April 24, 1912, Inspector Colmar is seriously injured in Ivry-sur-Seine, while the Deputy Chief of Police, Louis Jouin, is killed. This drama requires Lepine to react. The Paris council immediately increases the budget of the prefecture. Created by decree 29 June 1912, the Criminal Division consists of two hundred men who bear the title of controller in order to have higher salaries than those assigned to inspectors. Finally equipped with a few cars, the men of the Police are also armed. They replace their old police batons nailed by semi-automatic pistols Browning 7.65 caliber 1900. By decree of 20 August 1912, the men of the new "Brigade Chief" have one year to pass the "patent police technique" following the courses offered by the trainers of the Forensic whose premises are within the close under the roof of the palace justice between the platform of Goldsmiths and the Quai de l'Horloge.

A year later, on 1 st September 1913, the Directorate of Research which depended the security service is removed. A magistrate, Paul Mouton, became head of the new leadership of the Judicial Police. Xavier Guichard, last leader of the detective is demoted. It will find its place between 1930 and 1934, during which he guided the young Belgian writer Georges Simenon in the footsteps of Commissioner William, the head of a "Special Squad" who is in charge during the 1920 cases of primary importance in the field of blood crimes, counterfeit currency, fraud, robbery, search warrants and drug trafficking.

Divisional Commissioner Marcel Guillaume

Alongside this "Brigade Leader" where the three-piece suit is rigor, the Brigade of the center is specifically charged with implementing the mandates of justice, the Brigade highway - ancestor of the current Squad banditry - hunt skulls "and deals with matters of morals, the Brigade meets notes and coins Prosecution shall conduct administrative investigations and Services trimmed monitors and identifies the inputs and outputs in hotels and catering department of the Seine.

a baptism for a new era

Renamed "Crime Squad" August 22, 1944 to avoid any risk of confusion with the Special Brigades claims the General Intelligence, the brigade quickly identifies Dr. Petiot, who, taking advantage of the Occupation and malfunctions of the police, many victims murdered in his mansion on 16 th Borough enticed by a better life away from the capital. As Inspector Anthony in the film Wharf Goldsmiths Henri-Georges Clouzot (1947), the sixty inspectors and officers divided into ten groups - one group is specifically responsible for the suppression of counterfeit notes - not idle not. In fact, homicides and robberies bloody no shortage at a time when the gang pulls forward, "Emile Buisson and other Pierre Loutrel are emulated.

Then fratricidal killings between militants of the FLN and the MNA, and attacks on police in conjunction with the war Algeria became daily. In a perfect end to a bloody war in Algeria, the Crime Squad calls out in a few weeks the main perpetrators of the attack on General de Gaulle at Petit-Clamart in August 1962 under the leadership of Maurice Bouvier and Pierre Ottavioli. Period follows villainous kidnapping (Those of Balthazar Suarez in 1974, Louis Hazan in 1975, Baron Empain in 1978) which, with the collaboration of the new brigade of research and intervention (established in 1964 under the leadership of François Le Mouel) are so successful. Many surveys where the juggernaut of Crim 'starts where the men of the BIS, spinning in surveillance, put an end to the actions of the most dangerous criminals.

The thistle, the emblem of the Crim. " "Who rubs it, it stings."

1978, black. Inspector Jacques Capela was killed during a gunfight between security officers from the Embassy of Iraq in a Palestinian terrorist supported by men of "36". Jacques Capela, eighth and last victim of a service that the Rotarian flowers graves every year at Halloween. Terrorism is back. To deal with terrorism and Middle East Corsican, a specialized section consists of three groups is established. Quickly put to good, it will have a heavy burden in the 1980s to hunt militants of "Direct Action" guilty of numerous murders in the capital and the attack which cost the life of Marcel Basdevent, Inspector of the Brigade for combating crime. Too soon pardoned, Rouillan and others will eventually arrested by the RAID in 1987, shortly before the activist Nathan Ménigon led to the dock of Goldsmiths, escapes certain death after being held by a Chief Inspector at the time of span the fourth floor corridor.

The bombing of the Rue Copernic (1980), one of Orly airport (1983), those stations RER Saint-Michel (1995) and Port-Royal (1996) are all examples of the tragic war that terrorist groups intend to carry on our territory. Most of the perpetrators are identified. While some cases remain unresolved, unfortunately, the groups of "common law" does not remain inactive in the late twentieth century. Armed with a clearance rate approaching 80% in cases as complex, the availability, persistence, diligence and experience are the primary qualities of investigators that will end after several years of investigation, the actions of Thierry Paulin and Guy Georges the last two serial killers in Paris.


The Prefect Lepine, Jean-Marc Berlière, Denoël, 1993.

The goldsmiths of 36, Michel Malherbe, Editions Crepin-Leblond, 2007.

The Crim 'Large Business of the Criminal Brigade, Jean-Pierre Van Geirt, Editions 1, 1995.


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