Monday, November 23, 2009

Confirmation Letter To Friend

Between pink and black

It's been three weeks I reread my manuscript. Three weeks to scrutinize the error, polishing, rework some dialogue, thesaurus under his elbow to avoid repetition. Three weeks is just finally, compared with sixty years of Goethe, who has continued throughout his life to his work Faust.
Place the markers now, devotees and newcomers, a total of six or seven people, mostly gentlemen, some for history enthusiasts. Especially friends who have no qualms about saying that my work is poor if they see it as such. I am on vacation. I'll take the opportunity to read some books accumulated for months, review the saving hand loop of Thierry Henry, trying to understand why so many French came to believe that Treiber Musulin is innocent and that is a nice guy. I'll get an idea of cover, even though I already dream of two soldiers feldgrau that can be seen under the Eiffel Tower, through the crotch of a stilt-walkers dressed in pink t-suspenders to the forefront. Then a title, necessarily. Maybe "Between pink and black." Maybe not. I await the advice from my proofreaders. Write on the Occupation of France, the Paris police and cabarets invaded by media collaboration was become a necessity. I hope I have respected the spirit.
Between pink and black, the color range seems extensive. It is not, actually. Thierry Rose is the one that explodes the Brazilians in the quarterfinals of the 2006 World Cup. Thierry Black is the one that "crosses the Irish in 2009. To demonstrate these Parisians versatile roses in August 1944 during the liberation of Paris, although black fifty days earlier when they gathered in their thousands at the funeral of colleague Philippe Henriot. The world is like. Serge Lenz, before becoming the worst torturers, was a gentleman-burglar adulation. Others, before becoming the Grand Cross Legion of Honor received the Francisque hands of Petain. People, morality and sometimes forget the law, history rarely.
My next project? A story of cops, of course. Very contemporary, very Parisian, who probably will ring the return of Duhamel and Belhali.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Angela Pitts Nacktbilder

Paris earlier German

We have never spoken in Berlin and our relations with Germany that week. Berlin and the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Franco-German friendship and the presence of Angela Merkel, the Arc de Triomphe, and finally old statements by the New Berlin NDiaye, our new Prix Goncourt on the monstrosity of France in 2009.

This is great because in this week full of celebrations, I just close the last chapter of a historical thriller that begins precisely on 11 November, the year 1940. A thriller that I could title "Paris to the German time," indeed. As the Paris of the years of occupation saw the time zone of Berlin. The Paris (and France) the dark years, it is also a curfew at 23:00, they are warnings and raid shelters, they are the roundups of Jews, resistance fighters and communists, a collaborationist press, a population entirely devoted to Pétain (including in April 1944 when tens of thousands of cheering Parisians), are the queues at the shops, "toeing" which are sold to the German Reichsmark for some, it is torture Lauristion Street and Avenue Foch, Mont Valerian executions and Chateaubriand, the massacres of Maille and Oradour-sur-Glane. In short, a monstrous period, which historians have not finished analyzing and dissecting. Yes, the France of the 40s was monstrous.

The France of 2009 she resembles that of 1940? Beyond the controversy is the question that seems to be NDiaye. But perhaps because she, after all. For France in 1939 did not seem especially monstrous to his contemporaries. To think ...

We will never spoken Berlin and our relations with Germany this week. And so much more ...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tenting Of The Left Diaphragm

Reincarnation. ..

is there just one year I sent my email manuscript for "New Authors". At the time entitled Simenon's ghost, it was just finalized. I retouched the winter based on comments from my friends, in view another competition. Then I reworked the spring, following the comments of the committee of readers of "New Authors". I continued to edit it in early June, following the guidance of two professional proofreaders. Finally, I changed a few things during the summer of my first readers reported by officials before a reprint of the book.
Finally ... No, it's never over. Because I still have some changes to make, changes, which come from Switzerland for example, and one or two technical terms to adapt. Those who have read this week VOD have noted the passage of my book thriller pocket in 2010. This is wonderful news. A second life with new cover, back cover another fourth ', etc.. I will come back.
Like I said in my previous post I believe in reincarnation. That of Blood Ink at 36 anyway.
I invite especially all the anonymous writers who possess one or two manuscripts under his elbow to try their luck. Before November 15.
For now, I plunged back in 1943.
In this too I will come back. Maybe.

Monday, October 19, 2009

How Can You Tell If Ringworm Is Healing

Festival Cognac

I had a great weekend. Oh! do not worry, I will not give you an account of the feast offered by the city of Cognac and the famous Otard although there is enough to make the reader salivate. For I will not forget so soon the evening meal in the heart of the castle of Cognac, where yourself or Francis I was born, or reception in the Council Chambers of City Hall to the sound of a jazz band. Idyllic indeed, but outstanding organization, Bernard and his wife Bec at its head. Support from start to finish. No stress. That happiness despite the defeat at the price thriller.
Yeah, I lost. Alexis is Aubenque a facebookiens (you can tell facebouquin too) who won. To his great surprise. Yes, I swear, he did not know. It was all returned, he who galley years, he has abandoned his job as a bookseller to devote himself entirely to his passion. Personally, I am incapable. No win, just leave my job. The great Hugh Pagan told me yesterday, just before the screening of "Case Nicolas Le Floch" he has written and adapted, he always regretted having left the police a decade ago. This is an exciting profession that can not be undone. To this he added that there was a recipe for success: work, work and more work.
Enthusiasts, I crossed a lot this weekend. Writers, actors, journalists and readers. I immediately think of Paul Mercier, Mr. Simenon, whose words I drank three or four times. I think Robert Benoit, who has adapted and prayed for two hours "Letter to my judge" of the Belgian writer. Hat!
And then there are all these writers, these storytellers, those who dream. An environment that I dreamed of integrating even a year ago, a place that scared me a few weeks ago. And for good reason I refuse to place myself in social criticism. Those I met in the lounge at Roissy-en-Brie reassured me. This weekend, Lawrence Scalese, Luke Fivet, Jan and Sir Cedric Thirion including me discover their world. They leave me a place, I share their emotions, their experiences. I thank them.

There are three or four days, I heard abandon this blog, for better turn the page "Blood Ink at 36. To dedicate myself to the best historical thriller that I'm writing. But I can not. I'm not allowed. I still have much to say. Say for example I crossed paths with an actor, Remy Roubakha, likeable and talented everyday in "Cousin" and "Le petit lieutenant," two of my favorite movies. Also say that my next post will perhaps reincarnation. Tell the secrets of the recipe Cognac summit. Say, read, write ... virtuous circle.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Catchy Slogans For Healthy Foods

ticket mood

When I'm tired I tell conn ... full of nonsense. When I'm tired I'm not even able to slow down when approaching the speed camera. The flash has an advantage, that you wake up. When I'm tired I'm uncomfortable, so that I write from the heart, with guts. I just bind my 15th day of work. Uh no, not quite. Of the 15 days, there were two nights in the lot. You can always say I'm paid for, and I do not pay my VP. This is partly true. The true is that I not pay my PV because I ride in a vehicle that is not mine. For cons, the 29 hours of work this weekend (yes, yes, I said 29), it is for show. No recycling craft, no sub. And then I'm leaving for a pair of shoes too, as I waded into the vermin much of the weekend. I still get chills remembering the insects gravediggers I encountered in a squalid corner of Seine-Saint-Denis clinging at all costs in my knees. I'm really not ready for Kholanta. All that to say it's been two weeks since I did not write a ticket. I wish to thank
earlier Vesna, Jean-Baptiste, Fabian, Lawrence and his wife who came to see me in the first exhibition of polar Roissy-en-Brie Sunday, October 3, after spending my morning at work. I spent a good time. Encounters formidable Desaubry Joan, Paul and Benedicte Desforges Colize among others. It was my first salon. I liked it.

I wish able to go to the salon de Choisy-le-Roi Saturday. I could not, because of taf. Too much work, and then I had to layer on the paper describing the latest crime scene. Plus my clothes stank of death. "Noxious odor" say the examiners. "It whips serious bahhhhhh" have told my children when I got home. So I threw a jacket too. Today I was scolded. Yes, yes. Scolded because the clothes of the dead that I dared to recover, covered hopper, fills my workplace. In addition, the maggots, it goes everywhere. Must say there are many. What supply all the fishing clubs in Ile-de-France for several months. I was kindly invited to lay the clothes. So me I said no. In addition to the judge, he will not agree since there is perhaps the killer's DNA on it. So it may stink another two or three days while it dries. Simple as that. There's no choice. Do with.
The next weekend is Cognac. The famous festival of polar, water of life, Charentes, life what. Lots of meetings in perspective. I asked leave to be sure how to get there. I dying to continue my writing, too. But words do not come. "Tomorrow is another day," said Fabien Hedgehog often at the end of its notes of humor. Except that each passing day, the ideas a little more away, just like maggots when you stray from their natural environment. I'm tired but happy. Happy to be alive. Crossing death from time to time, rub the misery quite often tends to make you happy. If so, I assure you. The sun between the towers of Notre-Dame, the cries of seagulls on the Seine, a smile, I drink everything. Carpe diem quam minimum postero credulous, "said Horace. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, wood life, "taking advantage of the present day in the least concern you possible next "far corners of the sordid 9-3, if possible ...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Catholic Confirmation Letter To Friend

full circle

full circle. July 02, the day of the official release of Blood ink at 36 , Jacques Pradel announced that he would invite me to a special Simenon to mark the 20th anniversary of the disappearance of the Belgian writer. A promise is due.

Rue Francois I, as the beautiful people at sidewalk cafes, five minute wait at the edge of the complex history of Europe 1 observe, soak up the scene, insight into Marie Drucker beautiful, evil Ruquier shaved, and I rush into the building.

Presentations in the courtyard as long as the chronicler smokes his cigarette. Then round table, microphone, headphones, coffee, smiles and compliments, the presenter, in the right mood, be launched in twenty minutes of reading my novel. A little advertising, five minutes of interrogation, then an hour of informal discussions with Gilles Henry and Paul Mercier, two eminent specialists of Maigret.

These 90 minutes will remain a great memory. If so, I assure you. Thanks largely to Mr. Pradel and her colleagues know that you get comfortable. Class ! And then he had read my book. He made a comprehensive summary to two other guests during a break. A reading of vacation, I he said during a break, it would be good for television. Me too.

Finally, the responsible police / justice showed me around the newsroom. Fabulous! A modern piece of 200 square meters, computer screens everywhere, telex, books, men and women divided into teams.

I tell anyone of my time in radio. Lack of time. But you can listen to the show by clicking the following link:

Now is the time shows. This weekend, I will attend the first festival of the detective novel Roissy en Brie.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yugioh Banlist Arguments

"Blood ink on 36" in the final price of the Polar Festival Cognac

The list of award finalists Polar Cognac Festival fell; this:

Dogs Blood - Karine GIEBELER - Black River
The Coup - Gérard Streiff - Toucan Black
Cézembre Black - Hugo BUAN - Pascal Galodé
nameless souls - Xavier Mary BONNOT - Belfond
A Summer Greek - Andre FORTIN - Jigal
The scar of the devil - Lawrence Scalese - Belfond
child cemeteries - SIR CEDRIC - The Pre clerics
Rendezvous April 10 - Benedict SEVERAC - TME
Autumn in River Falls - Alexis Aubenque - Calmann-Levy
Fear blind - Paul-François Husson - Anne Carriere
Blood Ink at 36 - Hervé Jourdain-new authors

ago world of beauty with Karine Lawrence Giebel and Scalese, and only one primary writer (me).
Results Friday, October 16 in Cognac. I'll be there. A happy for ten disappointed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rotelle And Velveeta Commercials

The new literary

A very brief word to invite you to visit the following link (page 21 of the webzine BSC News) where you can read the latest review of "Blood of ink 36", both complete and original :
And to say that "Blood ink on 36" somehow resists the literary season. Now sales of the seventh major formats on thrillers, along with Harlan Coben, Jean-Christophe Grange and Stieg Larsson.

Next Article in ten days.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cause Of Face Swelling Up

Blood Ink at 36: recent flows, recent comments and a few signings in perspective ...

Young Author unmonumented, two months ago I operated a real plunge into the unknown. Because writing is one thing, selling is a different story. Search columnists, sending the book to several journalists, I emptied my phone plan in less than time it takes for Usain Bolt to cover the 100 meters. Surprise! Besides the Prisma, the price of players associated VSD, the press has responded (Europe 1, Metro France, France Info, Western France), as well as several internet writers.

Nevertheless, despite visits to several libraries to determine their discharge, I stayed some time away from the overall figures. My editor told me finally figure of 1300 sales after ten days of marketing, a good omen. However, the publisher did not give me any particular purpose.

before yesterday, I read in an article Telerama a first novel sold 5,000 copies was a success. This is great, because my editor told me, besides a reprint of 1500 copies of "Blood ink on 36" which was in addition to 12,500 copies distributed, a sales figure of around 4500 to 23 August. Another source told me 5200 to the same date. I was excited about these numbers of course, especially as placed my fleece in the eighth and sixth place in the list of novels large, behind the three Millennium by Stieg Larsson.

In this regard, I enclose the last three Reviews received:

Finally the real policeman! Book
perfectly well written, no vulgarity. Reading is easy, the characters well described, and the suspense on every page. I really enjoyed myself and I hope we Herve Jourdain will release a new thriller. A big thank you to the author.

Dear Herve,
I wanted to tell you that I am currently reading your novel and yet I feast! for me you are the "ED MC BAIN" french the 21st century, I have the feeling of being totally immersed in this investigation in the heart of 36 Quai des goldsmiths ... The characters are endearing because they are real ... In Anyway I'll make a huge best seller in the bookstore because I will make sure that this is a big success to share my favorite! I will be your special correspondent in St. Cloud ... Congratulations! A Soon

That, my reading is over ... unfortunately! Your book put me in GAV for 48 and loved it! It is one of those books I do not want to ask because I want to know more, a book that makes me miss my subway, bus, my pasta that turns to mush. inedible because I did not monitor the cooking (it was this afternoon, thank you Hervé!), which makes me fight against sleep, because I say "at the end of this chapter, j'éteinds and sleep ... but the end comes and I'll stay on mine ... so I repeated one! !
I loved your book for a ton of reasons: I like the style, without exaggeration. There is necessarily realistic in detail because it is your job, and it counts. Not only for the details, but also for the characters, I guess the cops in this novel are not so fictitious it finally. This beautiful and rebellious Nora has incredible strength and what Duhamel, who appeals to women you said, but especially loves to seduce. It does not make it, a little old school, who knows his job and who says what he thinks, but ultimately remains quite enigmatic ... I think! The plot, perfect! Simenon ringside seat! Nothing to say. Worked in the suspense until the end, I did not think this villain XXXXXXXXX may be the murderer! And what a tribute to
36! This dive inside this place, all these minute details, colors until the coffee machine, all these little chickens running around! We're in the mood. Dauphine and the square that I love, it's so quiet, with his pigeons! I felt the back of your book as a beautiful tribute to the dock of Goldsmiths and your colleagues.
Honestly, for a first novel is successful. I do not know if you intend to do a series of adventures, but one thing is certain, that it is necessary that you continue to write, because me, I want to read and I hope the next you myself autograph it!

few signings and meetings are scheduled for the fall:
  • Fnac Nantes on September 19
  • First festival of the detective novel Roissy-en-Brie (77), early October
  • Media Choisy-le-Roi (94) October 10
  • Cognac Festival on 17 and 18 October
  • Meeting at the Library of Fresno (94) November 7

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cervical Mucus With White Clumps

Simenon, Guichard and Commissioner William

Referring to the famous William commissioner and the inspector in February in my "Blood Ink at 36, I was recently asked for further information. Here, starting with the tribute paid in February 1963 by Georges Simenon in Le Figaro writing at the death of the Divisional Commissioner Marcel Guillaume, head of the criminal brigade in the 1930s.

's death Commissioner William affects me personally. It said he had modeled the character of Maigret, and that's partly true. Where, after publication of the first three or four novels in the series, Xavier Guichard, director of the PJ, has asked me to go see the police to show me in flesh and bones, along with the operation its services, the commissioner William, Chief of the Criminal Brigade, which has charge of this initiation.
Subsequently, William, for the art of interrogation, in particular has been in touch with one of his former collaborators, have in general matter, the Commissioner Massu, who was to succeed him some years later.
These two men, equally aware and equally professional skill, I have been very valuable. Which one is more faded on a Maigret already existing but still schematic? It would be even more difficult to say that I have seen other officials of the PJ which, perhaps unbeknownst to me, I was more or less impressed ...
Although there is no trace of the first passages of Simenon at the dock of the goldsmiths, the former head of the column of dogs crushed the Gazette de Liège has repeatedly said there have come upon his arrival in Paris in 1923, so as to glean some info to soak up the scene, observing the comings and goings. This is only a decade later, however, after a long journey by barge across several European countries and the success of his first Maigret, Simenon returns to 36, as "guest", this time above. ... After the publication of the first three or four novels in the series, Xavier Guichard, director of the PJ, has asked me to visit him to show me the police in the flesh ... In fact, the first Maigret Launched with a lot of calls are of judges by the lords of the Special Brigade. Carly is Michel, the Belgian Simenon biographer who writes: Xavier Guichard, former head of the brigade anti-anarchist, who launched the assault at Choisy-le-Roi in 1912 against the Bonnot gang , Simenon offers to discover the function and atmosphere of "house". For the first investigations of Inspector Maigret are incorrect. Simenon confuses National Security and Judicial Police, inspectors and auditors, gendarmes and mobile guards, ignore what a judicial delegation, while that her character wearing a bowler hat and a pipe assumes all hideouts in place of his deputies.
Presented to Commissioner William Simenon will then have the honor to live like a cop at the heart of the homicide squad, the "Brigade Chief" as to call the police of the inter-war period. He will visit the laboratory, the filing of the palace, the service of the Forensic and his famous mattress located under the roof of the wharf until the late 50s, will attend numerous hearings, including the "mass" the famous morning meeting of key department heads held in the principal's office.

Simenon, great observer of everyday life, will draw many lessons from discussions with Guichard, William and his successor Massu. Description of the premises, air surveys, interviews with the song, stories of old sleuths, nothing escapes him. While Commissioner William prefers a cigarette in briarwood; While his office has a view overlooking the Pont Neuf and not on the Pont Saint-Michel as in Maigret. But the divisional, like the fictional character, rises regularly stoke the iron stove, and has an employee named in February, which will become the faithful in January of Simenon's novels. This photo taken in the very office of Divisional William on the occasion of the custody of jeweler Mestorino in 1928 is suggestive of the universe at the time. The man in black look, the drooping mustache, the one who fixed the suspect crestfallen, exhausted, none other than William. The man sitting to his right is his assistant, his secretary, mischievously called the "dog of the Commissioner." And standing behind the desk for the picture, obscuring part of the frame supporting the portraits of the Sûreté of Paris died during the World War I, the inspector in January.

You will find a wealth of information on the following site:
As for fans of the crime squad and miscellaneous, they take great pleasure in reading the memoirs of Commissioner William:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

42 Wrapping Paper Storage

"Blood ink on 36" in print

Find columnists is not easy. Those who know me rub that I put all my aggression. An article in Metro France, four-minute interview in Coffee crimes Jacques Pradel, a weekly insert in the Detective few minutes in the microwave Franck Cognard on France Info, and a series of articles on literary blogs or general sanction two months were hard.
month of August was well underway when I was contacted by a journalist specializing in western France sporting press. Fell on my fleece before going on holiday, swallowed it in a few days and found that heroin was a seasoned marathoner who learned his trade at ASPTT Nantes, a local club. Wanting to know if there was not an ounce of truth in the character of Nora Belhali, the journalist contacted me by mail. It followed a conversation where we discussed the route of FC Nantes, my love of running, my feelings for the city of Duchess Anne, and especially the willingness to incorporate autobiographical elements in certain characters, including that of the old babysitter peace. My interlocutor drew a great paper in our discussion. Here:

informed of the publication of the article, I then cleared by bus to the Gare Montparnasse search daily. Happy as a kid reading the article in the pages Nantes city.
Except that in the afternoon, I learned that Professor of Literature and History, origin Nantes seems he published on his blog a text explanation of the famous section of western France. For seven weeks now, waiting patiently for acerbic comments or insults, especially as the back cover of my book, distributed to thousands of copies since July 2 hides nothing from my job as a police officer, my mail account also appears in the final pages of my novel. But until then, nothing. Finally, the critics will come from this teacher who has not read my novel - but who sees me as the spiritual son of Sarkozy, and which in a few words rather poorly for a teacher turned 'Letters, managed to add the word Hortefeux his ticket. Luc Douillard, I implore you, read my book before making judgments of value. The cop observed there not a crime scene before describing? Historian - you are - he investigates not before drawing conclusions? Do not you read "the glory of my father" to your students before speaking of Pagnol? Read the rest of your tickets (mood), I'm finally not surprised at your hasty judgments. My detective is classified in the culture section and not in politics.

I'd end on a happier note, with these few words Nenya Elf, a Swiss met on Facebook:
Hi Hervé! As promised, I ordered, received and read your first novel. I fell in, as it falls into a very good or very good Navarro Maigret. Unable to come out! The joy that I made to find the perpetrator of the murder with the team of Scarface! I liked the beginning, I was captivated by the end and I loved everything else. On page 283, I was sure that the murderer was XXXXXXXXX, you had me well! But also, I thought you would not dare introduce XXXXXXX in your first novel. ...... What a wonderful novel! It is perfectly awesome. And you can be sure it's a real compliment, because if I did not read 2000 books at the very least, I have not read any. Here, in a few words my opinion - however humble it I hope it will please you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Descente Ski Jacket Vancouver

From eleven to sixty-seven

In a deliberate style tragi-comic, I told you in a previous post after receiving an email from a certain Georges Simenon, who I claimed accounts following the dissemination of "his" email account in my novel , Which gave him, in his words, threats and spam messages repeatedly. Some doubts, disturbed nights and e-mail exchanges later, the ghost of Simenon ultimately proved to have originated from the expert hand of one of my best friends, someone I like to call cyber cop.

return to Paris, I hastened to contact Lawrence. We talked about his joke, of course, sales figures, critics. He quickly invited me to come and see. Meanwhile, many colleagues gave me their feelings of reading, the novel has suffered grains of sand beaches metropolis during the month of July. Until now, when I expected a photocopier makes me copies of proceedings of several tens of pages:

- Herve, you'll never guess the age of your youngest reader ?
I do not like riddles. I decided to let him "come" ...
- Eleven years. This is my daughter, says he laughs. She is three-quarters ...
Eleven years is also the age of my eldest son, to whom I always refused to flip the fleece of fear that he read a few lines. At that moment, my brain, made amorphous by a short sleep and even decaffeinated coffee has a beat. One, two, three seconds is enough to sweep me up a shot twenty-one chapters. Much like a software who are asked to search for viruses and trojans hidden in a hard disk. Bothered by the noise of the photocopier, by the colleague who added that the book was now in Mexico, my brain made his verdict: no viruses, whew ... but a warning: Chapter 18, "replied my hard drive, scene autopsy.
- She reads a lot, "he says.
classified in the category "never without a book," the girl. Novels adventure for teens, some classics too, and Harry Potter of course.
- Harry Potter?
- Yeah ...
Sauvé then. Because I say it loud and clear, the Harry Potter books are more violent than my fleece. Except this scene autop 'and a few insults, are no hemoglobin, no shots of brooms, no recipes juice frog, no dirty tricks to Voldemort in my fleece.
toner copier having passed away, I was spinning quietly in my office. A look behind me to check I had not been taken into flag destruction and Filoche, and I logged on my email account to find two messages. The first was signed by a future peacekeeping residing in the suburbs, which allowed me to publish his message: I come to the moment finished reading your book "Blood Ink at 36. I usually hate to read but I spent my day reading it. Incredible, awesome, perfect, fluid, interesting, captivating, moving, active, exciting, taping ..... Here are some words that come to the hot décrire.Bravo and thank you for giving me the desire to read !!!!!! You can certainly use my testimony if necessary.

Regarding the latter, I'll let you find out:
I just read your book "Blood ink on 36" and I want to express my admiration for a first book, it's great. I read everything Simenon and really without any flattery you are worthy to replace it because this novel is very interesting, taking as I read it in two days, I could not let go so I find it well written, a story very well put together and we look forward to the end. But now I feel a bit frustrated because I did not put me in a different reading. You know this is the first time I send my prints to a writer, but this is really "a thunderbolt" with your book ..... keep Especially because I look forward to another novel signed by you. So well done, and cordially.
PS: This is a 67 year old grandma who writes.

short, a few days later I was again harassed by my friend Lolo. I have something to give you, "he told me to push me to visit him and make the five-hundred meters that separate us. Party seeking the password for the email account , he was again surprised me by handing me a block of stamps issued in 1994 France, a block three stamps bearing the Belgian, Swiss and French at the portrait of Simenon that I describe in "blood" ink. You will notice that the portrait - signed Roegiest - is the same on all three stamps. Only the background is different: bridge arches in Liège for Belgian stamp, quay of the goldsmiths to the patch to 2.80 francs and castle of Echandens for Switzerland.
Lolo's father, keen philatelist, doubted the existence of this block. Lawrence was found. I do not know what to say. Do not know how to thank him. Great gesture of friendship. I am moved. I will hasten to put the block under glass he has tracked down a sales site to auction. He refuses to give me the price.

For fans of Simenon and philately, you will find a wealth of information on the following link:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Sims 3 Where Is The Relic Of Eternity

Thierry Jonquet left us

They were there, wading through mud, dazed, some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame, a confused mixture of feelings when neighbors, all scan the sky gray-blue in this spring morning, thinking about all they had done half an hour, an hour earlier, when the phone rang at home to pull them of sleep and call them before this maisonette seemingly mundane, drawn at the bottom of a vacant lot.

With these words Thierry Jonquet, died last Sunday in a Paris hospital at age 55, began Moloch, published in 1998 by Gallimard in the collection Black Series. They, are Dimeglio, good father, the frail inspector Dansel always dressed in black suits, the young Jewish Choukroun, and of course the leader, the gruff Rovere, wonderfully played by Jean-François Balmer episodes Boulevard du Palais, the cops of the criminal brigade already crossed five years earlier in the miners. They, they are cops who work in teams, goldsmiths of the procedure that will Gamberg, snoop, doubt, sniff for many days under the control of the charming and fragile magistrate Paris, Nadia Lintz.

Some agree that Jonquet reinvented the noir by rooting it in social criticism. Others say he was a controversial author. I see primarily a political writer, an author brave, in the early 1980s, settled accounts with his old comrades in his novel of political fiction called the past let us clean slate. His latest thriller - They are your fear and you fear - is indicative of this decision risk. This fan of Belleville did not hesitate to endanger them, painting a very realistic picture of the suburbs where "Gauls" of downtown and Bronze bars HLM does not mingled especially where a young teacher PTA was facing anti-Semitism, where the kids in town, lost their marks, were inexorably drawn to the trumpets of jihad.

Meanwhile, inspired by among others the case Kaskazi and Munchausen syndrome - a sordid case of poisoning of a son by his mother who will be worth a trial Jonquet and his publisher - he will continue his work unabated. Social painting disturbing for some, without concessions to others, Jonquet is primarily a writer scrupulous attention to detail, respectful of policing and justice. It is his realism procedural and description of cops human some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame ... who inspired me writing.

I still hear in his words liturgical chants from the Depot police headquarters, the Sisters of the Congregation of Sisters of Mary, Joseph and Mercy prayer every Sunday morning in the chapel attached to the cells reserved for inmates. It can not be invented. Jonquet was a hard worker. It is the first, the only one I know of that has been described as accurately how a group of investigators from the police. A group serving justice, serving the young Nadia Lintz. I said, it was he who made me want to write. Today, however, I have one regret: that of never having thanked him.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Brazilian With Hemorrhoids

Maigret and the ghost

I referred in my last post, receiving an email from a Georges Simenon ... twenty years after his death. A namesake of the author, even a passionate write me, I expected a little. What I found particularly surprising is that this reincarnation, the ghost of Simenon somehow uses the famous address that I created here a few months in the body of my novel:

Sir, It is with astonishment that I discovered that my email address used in a novel, your it seems, without that I was informed, much less that it Myself sollicité.Cet use without my permission, my email tells me a serious injury. I get in effect for several days of emails from people who appear there, read your novel, some take me for you, others think I am a murderer! "I think it will not be long before my address is posted on the internet and I am flooded with such messages! My address is no longer usable, not to mention invitations MSN I get! I know what you expect faire.Dans waiting for your response GS

shit then! It stinks. Trial, troubles in perspective and a publisher, legally responsible, angry. But I had everything planned. As soon as the announcement of the official distribution of my thriller, I double checked with Microsoft address available would answer the webmaster U.S. last March. I stopped there in my investigations, not taking care to validate the creation of this email account condemned to vegetate.

Therefore, two possibilities open to me. First idea, I keep the info for me, I talk to anyone, and if it is the famous George will not continue. If it is too bad it's just a joker, a schoolboy joke, that of a guy who, taking advantage of the availability of this email, fun meant to scare me. Second idea: No, I must talk to my editor. I can not keep it to myself at risk of being fooled by a prankster.

Finally, in the middle of my vacation, I decided to contact the new authors. "It is good that you call me, my editor told me, you have to prepare myself patches for a new printing of 1500 copies for the restocking (book stock to meet demand from booksellers). Your book sells well, if this keeps up, the stock replenishment will be exhausted in mid-August. "

result, the joy of a reprint masked bad my anxiety. I employed finally an evening of holidays in the Auvergne to correct a misspelling raised by my mother, a mismatch of year of birth of a character and a typo while I hastened to change the famous e-mail address georges-Simenon by adding an e to hotmail to avoid trial in my editor and invalidate the email address appearing in my text.

Thereupon, on Monday, a new mail from the famous George, after my last post and my non-response:
Hello, Mr. Jordan, I see that obviously you do not bother to answer my message and the height of boorishness, you're laughing at me on your blog! I am neither a "type" or "Georges Simenon" but merely a passion that uses the address that you used in your book, without my permission I will remind you! Now as I assumed my address in addition to being in your novel is taken up on the internet and I'm spammed! And despised by you! Before you laugh you could have the correct answer and check! Bravo Mr. singer-policeman. I repeat my question that you intend to do to stop the unrest caused? GS (of course this is not true Georges Simenon!)

surprising that new email. I found myself a bit in the skin of Maigret, the ghost hunt. I was about to answer the lout he made too many spelling mistakes to be a real enthusiast of Simenon, and spam received could be consecutive to his consultation of adult sites. Finally, I changed my mind, preferring the courtesy to aggression. Above all, this way of writing and the computer skills were not without remembering a friend, nay a colleague's best cyber-policeman that I frequent and some features are found in the character of Lawrence Delapierre a Captain of the Juvenile.
soon I decided to answer in these terms:

Mr unknown
The author is pleased to hear that you're a regular reader of his blog and you have come his novel. But beyond your suffering, You did not mean what you thought of the book.
As for the policeman, he is reassured when you tell him you're not a homonym or near Simenon. The man of the law reminds you about it for a few months, identity theft computer is classified as a crime.
If I've not answered last week was that I thought your email account was the fact one of my friends computer enthusiast, and I would still think that in this place you using improperly hiding one of my friends.

GS responded immediately :

Damned, I'm outed!! Go
I'm nice, I'd give this address as a souvenir!

Thanks Lolo.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Puppy Not Eating All Of A Sudden

New reviews

As promised, here's further criticism received on Facebook, or on my hotmail account which the term appears at the end of my novel.
Each day brings its share of surprises. A reader dream of a last drink with Captain Duhamel, Stephanie de Liege - Simenon was born anyway! - Wants to send me his book so I dedicate it to him, while last Saturday I received an email from a guy who claimed to be Georges Simenon. Of course! Except he's been dead for twenty years, the father Sim. And for this anniversary, the town of Cognac has decided to honor him as part of his famous festival of detective fiction. I hope to be. I also send my novel to the detective festival in Liège for the famous competition "written by Crystal," but nobody deigned to answer me. If anyone has a contact
... In the meantime, here is a selection of comments. And do not think I show only the best, I voluntarily place that Simon seems to regret that, among other things, lack of thickness certain characters. I would have still credited with four stars on a website selling online.

I loved it! Excellent thriller, well-crafted, outstanding well done and very enjoyable to read! To be enjoyed without moderation, I would definitely recommend for beautiful hours of a novel of great quality!
Vanilla Strasbourg

Congratulations on your novel that I devoured in one night. Passionate thrillers, your book is now in my top 5. Bravo!

I am at the moment, to turn the last page of the detective novel and a word I quickly came in mind: success ... Indeed, Blood of ink 36 has good things: a plot pleasant, pretty smart and well structured, characters quite likeable, suspense amount of power to the son of the pages. The highlight is, of course, the minute description of the investigation itself that emerges as the central protagonist of the work! Exciting! However, it is also necessary to point out some small blunders which n'amenuisent not affect the quality of the fleece: a psychology too discreet various protagonists in favor, of course, a faithful transcript of the newspaper of the Criminal Brigade, an outcome a mild rough and finally, a good style but a familiar brown (but consistent with the "universe" realistic book). Simon

Hello Herve, I am friend to the IJ. I just wanted to commend the high quality of your work which allowed me, even on vacation to be even at 36. I really enjoyed myself from start to finish. One can only seek to put an image of a colleague known to the crime 'on each character. In the words of the critic "once started, can not stop." I was not necessarily a big fan of detective fiction, but you're born of envy. Thank you again for these good times in your pages and messages soon the next one!
See you can be ... a crime scene ...

Mr. I come to the moment finished reading your book "Blood Ink at 36. I wanted to express my admiration and my thanks for the moments that I just spent reading you. Hoping to return soon after the investigations of this great team that you describe so so exciting. Thank you again and please soon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cheats Pokemon Fire Red Gpsphone

The first flow, finally ...

The Vendee is not Britain. Yet it rained much of the weekend, as in Brittany, moreover, since I received the photo by text preview of my book shelves in one of the cultural department of the Leclerc Ploudalmezeau in the middle of Saturday afternoon. The Leclerc, Hyper U and also because my hairdresser in Paris, Vendee also told me distribute my album in the latter sign.

Fifteen years ago I left my south Vendee, and the stillness of the Poitevin for the madness of Paris. Yet I am expected. An article praises my "merits" as a writer in the municipal ballot. To sign a few autographs, visiting the nursing home where my grandparents live, an appointment to meet with a correspondent Ouest-France Press with whom I refer to the local painter Gaston Chaissac Simenon's life and between 1940 and 1945. Then a little trip to Fontenay-le-Comte, a city I like this dying in my thriller, the city that welcomed me three years during my high school years. The main bookstore on Avenue of the Republic, the one where I was going to refuel on Wednesday afternoon, this storefront in a series of novels signed Simenon. Small tower at the corner Leclerc, just to confirm the presence of my fleece. The library is deserted corner, I later tell my wife party identification; with the exception of a lady who seems to hesitate between a Conelly and Coben. "Take it intervenes Sophie, stating "Blood ink on 36" is great, we started and we can not stop, "she says to make it sell." Okay "said the future reader won by the enthusiasm of his interlocutor.

Meanwhile, I rush to the World 2.'s investigation Pascale Robert-Diard on taste Crime interested in highest point. Especially she interviewed one of my colleagues from six "experts" of the crime. The selection of summer thrillers of the World columnist literary interests me less because I do not find not my novel. Yet, Pascale Robert-Diard has not forgotten our meeting on the Place Dauphine. Because she does not hesitate to add to the selection of Gerard Meudal a reference to my book on his blog Chronicles of Courts.

thereupon returned to Paris the day after a fireworks display, not without seeing my grandmother: "Well shame to be so smart and not write" she says by way Farewell. Looks like the first pages of my fleece him like much, it has long been rocked by Evenings . My mother comforts me that she did not refer to history but to the dedication. It is true that she has always complained to write like a doctor.

July 15, sunny day. The King of SMS and email resumes. Again some praise. But still uncertainties related to sales, despite a contact facebook makes me part of sustained movements at the airport of Orly. I was up a few spots to fill désormaisla 18th place on And New Detective, in his weekly, written by Michel Mary, leases my police work and novelist.

Thursday, finally, an email late in the day while I am preparing to launch an ad to hundreds of booksellers selected in the yellow pages. Very good debut says my editor. Over 1300 sales over the first 10 days. Continued ... For a future post in early August.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Diagram Of A Motor And Labeled Parts

A week after its official release, the first reviews of Blood Ink at 36

Hard to know. I am speaking of sales, of course. Must say that it's only five days that the book is distributed. Some publishers did not even get. Monday, so I went dragging my gaiters towards the Gare de Lyon. I counted a total of ten stores Relay. There is no escaping the banner. The traveler can zap the first by thoughtlessness, or even the second in the eagerness of a ticket to compost. But how to shrink both fronts colored? How, in such circumstances, climb into the train without his detective or his favorite newspaper?
Finally, I found my fleece in one of the company's stores. A stack of three, conspicuous. I m'apporche the market, dares to ask the flows. Runoff?! Kesako? wonder she. The sales figures, Madame. Three, "she says after tapping on his keyboard pouting. But that's only four days he was released, is recovering it. Phew. Finally, I learn that the library has an initial stock of 20 books. They left 17 to sell.
Preliminary figures not until July 15, said my editor. A bookstore Fnac I said we could not really judge a month. I take refuge in my office, my flaps on Internet site I realize I'm the 23rd (In book format Paperback) in Internet sales Fnac. That's good, but it is a small indicator. Must wait. And better wait I read the first reviews:
intrigue done well, the story is compelling and the pages turn without conscience no ... A pleasure as by the style of construction as the characters and the investigation. Envy febrile know the end, but the frustration of the book ends ... Thank you Hervé ... (Patricia, Facebook)
A true immersion in the heart of 36, Quai des Orfevres in an investigation group of the Crim. " Characters well drawn, pace, meaning dialogues, story well built, one begins to want to live the doubts of those cops, suffer along with Captain Duhamel. To read urgently. (Emilie, Amazon)
WAOUHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished Blood Ink at 36: a delight ..... This novel super taking to bed all in one gulp. I also agree with Bruno, he reads too fast, and indeed, I also hope a sequel is planned ..... (Dorothea, Facebook)
I continue, holidays permitting, my reading police. This is a real gem. For once, no errors in the functioning of the police, no exaggeration, no invention in the role of commissioners. Had he possessed the banter with black humor of "Take a Chance card", another excellent officer, I would have easily 5 / 5. Bravo Hervé Jourdain is a really good thriller French, far from the industrial production Anglo-Saxon. (Vero,
I am moved. Emu and proud to have won a few readers. I have a fishing hell. Yeeeea.
Good evening.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Grinnall Scorpionfor Sale

The official release

Wednesday 1st July, Paris, sweltering tourists in mini-skirts.

Talk about mini-skirts and what lies below, exactly ... The first criticism, nay, praise the early fall. A colleague already had read my fleece in one night. But this is JC, a passionate, sent me this text message on the stroke of 13:00, sitting in the shade of a tree whose roots soak into the bed of the Seine Hi Herve, I have two finish your book. It is EXCELLENT! We'll talk to OCCAZ 'I loved it. Congratulations. Ouahhh! I go to his office to thank him, he is not. So I wait, decided to drink a coffee, opening my mail account, click the last post and read the first lines that start with vévé My little ... My little vévé, that's how I call him my former office mate, a guy with a lecherous look drooling with envy when he meets a pretty girl. David, since it is so named, wrote twenty lines. Again, these are just compliments. Until these words: I regret, my little vévé. Your story lacks eroticism. For example, Nora, the fliquette, I imagined it to be ... stop there. David has a very personal definition of the erotic, forged a few words on reading the Penthouse which is subscriber for ten years. The rest of these remarks is untenable. Those familiar with the madman and his grin suggestive will be happy to imagine. Others may s'attendrent the worst.

An hour later, an MMS to me out of my dreams. My publisher is North Station. He found my thriller, prominently on the shelves of the Relay. I find it hard to distinguish the coverage, but I recognize beside the novel by Hugh Laurie on "House MD". Distribution in the Relay, I was not expecting it. This sign has a habit of focusing on the best sellers. This is only an added bonus. A day before the official release, and more.

Since good news never comes alone, the press secretary Jacques Pradel contact me. Must say that I quite harassed. Sending mails, sending my fleece, etc.. Finally, it is a mail sent to another journalist Europe 1 that will decide Jacques Pradel to give me a platform, two days before the termination of the program "Café crimes" because of summer vacation. She wants my album. She can not find it. I shall communicate the details of my publisher will send him the book by courier. I remind you tomorrow around 14:40, three or four minutes before the aerial socket , "she said. Jacques interview you by phone. No problem, I replied, sure of myself.

No problem, no problem, it's easier said than done. I am far from being a gifted rhetoric. The game of questions and answers makes me panic. Then I begin to list the issues that could put myself: Where did you get the urge to write? Tell us about your novel? What are the themes? Writer and police, is it compatible? Issues that recur often in the mouths of my friends. I am also preparing a response to the departure of the Judicial Police of 36, Quai des Orfevres for the sector expected in the Batignolles 2015. You never know.

Thursday, July 2, Paris, sweltering tourists in mini-skirts, official release Blood Ink at 36.

From the alarm clock I fed Facebook. Hervé Jourdain tells you the official release of Blood of ink 36 and its passage through the issuance Coffee crimes Jacques Pradel to 2:45 p.m..

Then start to work. I drink coffee with my group and share isolate myself in my attic office. No air conditioning ', it's already 35 degrees. I take a stack of records that I read, sort and dispatch in sub-folders after they have been summarized in few words on a report summary. I forget Pradel. Noon coming, the sun overlooking the top of the Sainte-Chapelle I hear the sharp tinkle of bells by my skylight open. I continue to sort for twenty minutes and then decides to leave. I head to the Place Saint-Michel. I went up the Boul'Mich towards the Sorbonne. Five of my books are collected in the basement home Gibert. I receive an MMS Isabelle located rue de Rennes. "Blood ink on 36" is prominently displayed in the library where it is located. Same thing at Relay Station Lyon by another text message. 13:00, I'm Gibert Place Saint-Michel. Nothing on the shelves. So I'm starting on the shelves. I slide a whole block to reveal the J. J as Jourdain. Of Jourdain, there has already been in the literature. I'm not talking about Jordan, the character of Molière who spoke prose without knowing it, I think especially to Bernard Jordan, a distant cousin, perhaps, who won the prize for first novel festival in Cognac with "Last shiver "This has enabled it to be published by The Mask. J as Jour. It Jonquet, however, that catches my eye. Jonquet and dermier thriller, Jonquet, who really gave me the urge to get into writing five years ago. Yes, sir lady, yes I swear it was there with Jordan His blood ink, right side, pressed against his master. I stand there for five minutes. Then j'extirpe my fleece, my way to the bookseller, and asked him if he has others in stock. Three, he replied without checking the screen. I told him it would make sense that in order for others, given the proximity to the 36. Her smile was mocking. I do not insist, based my work on the stall and am going to find the Ile de la Cité. Brief visit to the library of the Prefecture of Police where I have to do a dedication the next day and I'm going back to 36, a sandwich in hand.

14:00 I plug my radio. Europe 1. Jacques Pradel Emmanuel Pierrat, who came to present a work on several major criminal cases. Pierrat has the mouth is a rhetorician. Must say he is a lawyer, his job is to speak well. The minutes fly by. Pierrat never stops talking, he mentions the case of Chrysanthemum Street in La Rochelle. He took the opportunity to say that Simenon wrote the vast majority of its production at La Rochelle, the city where he lived. Nonsense. I take a wrap for me to go freshen up. I'll be back soon. Once will not hurt, I shut myself locked in my office for fear of bad joke might disturb me during the interview. I cut the sound on my computer beeps when I get an email off my two cell phones, and waits. 2:35 p.m., the Officer Jacques Pradel Phone: you see, we took a little late. Do not worry, I'll call you back within ten minutes . I reread the notes I prepared. Ten minutes pass, Pierrat endless. Pradel up the pace. Ringing. It's her. My handset, I hear the show. I turn off my radio and listen Jacques Pradel announce my book ... a book that I recommend for the holidays ... Pub. Pradel again: Crime Squad ... ... the quay of the goldsmiths ... The 36 ... Captain Hervé Jourdain, someone I do not know who wrote Blood Ink at 36 ... Hello Mr. Jordan? ... There is barely five minutes before he hands over to Faustine Bollaert. He invites me to 'sell' my book, summarizing the back cover. I start, for better or worse, saying that through this thriller, I wanted to pay homage, first to the cops and the quay of the goldsmiths of the criminal brigade, second in which to record legendary Simenon the site. I would add however that my goal through this plot was to correct the idea that the reader has of the investigation, it is the act of a group of men and women seeking at all costs conclusive evidence, contrary to what Simenon, through the Inspector Maigret, had been reported throughout his 75 novels. A new issue of Pradel who says he counts on me to participate in Back in a program devoted to Simenon, and j'embraye the difficulty that the police writers can meet them, given their status, n 'having no right, under penalty of reproach, to disguise the survey methods as seen regularly in many novels.

Done. Phew. I hang up. Immediately a call. Super Hervé, perfect. " 'm starting Franck King of the com '. Personally, I do not feel the same. Must say I do not like my voice. I told you, I prefer to write.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Customize Bmx Bikes

First autograph session

We are seven days of the official release. It's hot in Paris and the Seine, which brings freshness of the dock on the banks of Goldsmiths endlessly charier objects "corpses" of the music festival. All this against a background of fatigue, tension, expectation and early reviews, I've already talked yourself here yesterday.

Two of my colleagues know my troubles. They are those of the first time, those who bothered to read me and advise me in the utmost discretion. They are waiting for me on the porch of 36 and then with me Rue Mazarine, in one of our canteens. The Rue Mazarine, 6th arrondissement, the district publishers ... We are four, finally, around a fresh salad. We remade the world, we are talking criminal cases, inevitably, relations also change, we think of sitting waiting for me.

Two hours and fifteen minutes, the hour approaches, the time of addition as well. I forgot my backpack, stuck under a seat, my bag containing all coordinates columnists. I come home at 36 with my right hand man, one who pushes me to sell, break down doors. He pushed me to contact my publisher to give it coverage thriller. 3rd tier, you install an old cherry table before the light of the Crime Squad. 14h25, it's almost time. I half past one in front of me. One hour and thirty signatures. You descend a box that I put in a room nearby, and I eradicates five or six pounds. And go.
Ariane opens the ball. What a pleasure to see Ariane. Six years she bump the juvenile, at least two years I have not reviewed. Memories are discussed, future, I explain that there is a psycho like her in my fleece. A psychiatrist who plays an important role. I open the script, takes a Bic, and throws me into a writing uncertain, just like my killer. Behind her, I hear noises, sounds, discussions. I dare not raise their heads. But it lasts, all these people I seem to sense there for me. Me timid, should I accelerate the pace, I must face them. I note finally the head. The friendly chief of the association, who was an actor in another century, brought me an espresso on a tray, a glass of water and a piece of chocolate. Magnificent. I am my comfort. I recognize in the crowd of people of Judicial Identity, colleagues of the Archives, and others who are working at the wharf Gesvres, my former service. Colleagues from the Crim 'them, let the storm pass. they will come back later. Some vagbondent, handle the camera, chouffent girls came to visit me. Too cool, obviously.

An hour of signatures already. People trust me, some to control others, nor weigh without opening the book, sometimes without even taking a look. A need I say more of an exchange by mail after reading other chapters I summarizes the first to put their mouth water. My running mate came as well. I offer him work. He whispered to me that the first lines of my story. As a reward - but I've always said no - I created a character in his image. 'm Not the character ...

Two hours now. I exceeded the agreed time but there is still the world. My boss, who saw his last hours before joining a new service approaches. His deputy has already passed. Then the owner of the BRB, invited by Frank, whom I nicknamed Mr "Public Relations". I fatigue, sudden-cons. My dedications are felt. I would find strong words, I'm just not. More. I finally found a parade and wished wholeheartedly to my interlocutor that the investigation I have developed is purely fictitious.

17.20, the last person. Meanwhile, I drank a second coffee offered by a colleague of my group. Meanwhile I discovered that a colleague was fond of thrillers and Ed McBain.
Sixty-five signatures in total. For many critics to come. That of François JULIEN, literary director at VSD, me more so: "... An estimated 500 million the number of Simenon's books sold worldwide. We wish Jordan also captain Crime Squad, to sell a thousand times less than the perfect immersion into the world of Simenon and 36 ... "

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plum Colored Bathroom Walls


Life is weird ... You are at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, leaning against a wall of a necropsy room while a doctor is being carved up the skull of a teenager killed by a bullet, and your editor calls you "Your baby has arrived" . smiling mockingly at the dictation of the charming lawyer, and soon the conclusions drawn, I'm off Rue Daru in the 8th. Manuscripts are then enclosed in plastic ; Like the corpse of the boy three hours earlier. Is torn, it takes one, one leafs through, we weigh, we shall return. Autopsy of the book. All pages are there, the chapters in order, thanks to the end, my pretty face on the back cover. Yet the emotion is not at the rendezvous. Nothing. Is the void. Blame it on fatigue, perhaps. Must also say that I read so many things on it, must say that I waited for quite some time, must say I'm pretty busy finding columnists ...
Journalists, let's talk! First, you select a good week for specialists of the detective novel, about a fifty, second, you send an email to their offer to send your fleece; tert ... No! not tertiary. There's no tertiary because the writers do not bother to respond. Only two have had this courtesy, saying that they were falling under the piles of books: Christine Ferniot and Claude Mesplède. So we resumed at the end of the primary with all the original list and they send to everyone - through the publisher - the manuscript. Hopefully they deign to have a look, as I said ... open their mail.
Finally, the world of book publishing to promotion, is indefinable, indescribable. This lack of rule that frustrates me. We are constantly in the subjective, waiting for the favorable combination of circumstances, the luck factor that you will be "chronic" if not recognized. In fact there are especially afraid of the unknown, whether it will sell. This is not about money, no, rather a question of control of events. Sales promotion = = = mouth recognition, that's how it works. And that damn virtuous circle, it is often the promotion he begins. A picture of the staircase 36, the journey is long, tiring, endless, uncertain.

Yesterday I sold my first book to a Red Cross volunteer. I learned this morning that it had fully read into the night. Passionately, I do we reported. And there I vibrated. For the first time. Today I sold thirty copies to my relatives. Colleagues primarily, who do not hesitate to order it for their parents or friends. I await their response, like the colleague who said he was excited about the plot. Tomorrow, I organize a signature in my service. I'm afraid. Fear of not finding the words when signing books, fear of erasures, fear of not having enough books on hand. Time will tell ...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How To Get Cheats For Gpsphone Pokemon Shiny Gold

the book The Story of a title

"Phantom of Simenon," "The Ghost of 36", "Blood of ink 36", we get lost a bit. Why these changes? I ask my family. That's what I say as a story:
"There once was a guy who dreamed of writing a contemporary detective story, describing the monitoring of a criminal case as it is practiced, both in its operation in the profiles and behaviors of investigators. Exit the cops alcoholic, depressed, jump over to the delight of the television series. Above all, breaking once and for all with Simenon, who made the legendary pier despite Goldsmiths remonstrances Xavier Guichard, director of judicial police in Paris in the 1930s: no lonely cop in surveys, and personal conviction to oblivion.
Except that Simenon is everywhere in this investigation run by the commander Duhamel, not discard it, it haunts désepéremment the 36 despite the 20th anniversary of his death.
I loved my first title. Readers, who have awarded my manuscript in the spring, were perfect. Unless it has been decided otherwise, the copyright holders of Simenon is very litigious. "The ghost of 36" then took over. I was all ennorgueilli since I work at 36. But it was not counting on price Female acuelle last May, where Daniel-Yves CROUZET got the Prix Coup de coeur from Mr. Coelho himself for his manuscript entitled "Ghosts of Panassié.

dithering within the publishing house. What to do? Two "ghosts" on the shelves of bookstores. Yves-Daniel then launched a contest on her blog titles. I'll even my paw, suggesting one or two songs for me to forgive.
But nothing satisfies him. Finally, the publisher decide. Raider, I get the stolen. At my suggestion to start a title with my colleagues and friends. Some launch in the battle rage, wringing their brains to dry it (the verb and blood "," the goldsmiths to 36 "), others play to suggest titles rather humorous but unconventional for a novel policeman ("36 is not 69").
The story ends well, although, again, my editor will have the last word after an agreement Albin Michel, which published a title roughly similar there ten years. Hervé Jourdain and "blood ink on 36" got married on the steps of the staircase so well described by Simenon. Time will tell if they had many children.

PS You will find links blog-Yves Daniel CROUZET.