Saturday, July 4, 2009

Grinnall Scorpionfor Sale

The official release

Wednesday 1st July, Paris, sweltering tourists in mini-skirts.

Talk about mini-skirts and what lies below, exactly ... The first criticism, nay, praise the early fall. A colleague already had read my fleece in one night. But this is JC, a passionate, sent me this text message on the stroke of 13:00, sitting in the shade of a tree whose roots soak into the bed of the Seine Hi Herve, I have two finish your book. It is EXCELLENT! We'll talk to OCCAZ 'I loved it. Congratulations. Ouahhh! I go to his office to thank him, he is not. So I wait, decided to drink a coffee, opening my mail account, click the last post and read the first lines that start with vévé My little ... My little vévé, that's how I call him my former office mate, a guy with a lecherous look drooling with envy when he meets a pretty girl. David, since it is so named, wrote twenty lines. Again, these are just compliments. Until these words: I regret, my little vévé. Your story lacks eroticism. For example, Nora, the fliquette, I imagined it to be ... stop there. David has a very personal definition of the erotic, forged a few words on reading the Penthouse which is subscriber for ten years. The rest of these remarks is untenable. Those familiar with the madman and his grin suggestive will be happy to imagine. Others may s'attendrent the worst.

An hour later, an MMS to me out of my dreams. My publisher is North Station. He found my thriller, prominently on the shelves of the Relay. I find it hard to distinguish the coverage, but I recognize beside the novel by Hugh Laurie on "House MD". Distribution in the Relay, I was not expecting it. This sign has a habit of focusing on the best sellers. This is only an added bonus. A day before the official release, and more.

Since good news never comes alone, the press secretary Jacques Pradel contact me. Must say that I quite harassed. Sending mails, sending my fleece, etc.. Finally, it is a mail sent to another journalist Europe 1 that will decide Jacques Pradel to give me a platform, two days before the termination of the program "Café crimes" because of summer vacation. She wants my album. She can not find it. I shall communicate the details of my publisher will send him the book by courier. I remind you tomorrow around 14:40, three or four minutes before the aerial socket , "she said. Jacques interview you by phone. No problem, I replied, sure of myself.

No problem, no problem, it's easier said than done. I am far from being a gifted rhetoric. The game of questions and answers makes me panic. Then I begin to list the issues that could put myself: Where did you get the urge to write? Tell us about your novel? What are the themes? Writer and police, is it compatible? Issues that recur often in the mouths of my friends. I am also preparing a response to the departure of the Judicial Police of 36, Quai des Orfevres for the sector expected in the Batignolles 2015. You never know.

Thursday, July 2, Paris, sweltering tourists in mini-skirts, official release Blood Ink at 36.

From the alarm clock I fed Facebook. Hervé Jourdain tells you the official release of Blood of ink 36 and its passage through the issuance Coffee crimes Jacques Pradel to 2:45 p.m..

Then start to work. I drink coffee with my group and share isolate myself in my attic office. No air conditioning ', it's already 35 degrees. I take a stack of records that I read, sort and dispatch in sub-folders after they have been summarized in few words on a report summary. I forget Pradel. Noon coming, the sun overlooking the top of the Sainte-Chapelle I hear the sharp tinkle of bells by my skylight open. I continue to sort for twenty minutes and then decides to leave. I head to the Place Saint-Michel. I went up the Boul'Mich towards the Sorbonne. Five of my books are collected in the basement home Gibert. I receive an MMS Isabelle located rue de Rennes. "Blood ink on 36" is prominently displayed in the library where it is located. Same thing at Relay Station Lyon by another text message. 13:00, I'm Gibert Place Saint-Michel. Nothing on the shelves. So I'm starting on the shelves. I slide a whole block to reveal the J. J as Jourdain. Of Jourdain, there has already been in the literature. I'm not talking about Jordan, the character of Molière who spoke prose without knowing it, I think especially to Bernard Jordan, a distant cousin, perhaps, who won the prize for first novel festival in Cognac with "Last shiver "This has enabled it to be published by The Mask. J as Jour. It Jonquet, however, that catches my eye. Jonquet and dermier thriller, Jonquet, who really gave me the urge to get into writing five years ago. Yes, sir lady, yes I swear it was there with Jordan His blood ink, right side, pressed against his master. I stand there for five minutes. Then j'extirpe my fleece, my way to the bookseller, and asked him if he has others in stock. Three, he replied without checking the screen. I told him it would make sense that in order for others, given the proximity to the 36. Her smile was mocking. I do not insist, based my work on the stall and am going to find the Ile de la Cité. Brief visit to the library of the Prefecture of Police where I have to do a dedication the next day and I'm going back to 36, a sandwich in hand.

14:00 I plug my radio. Europe 1. Jacques Pradel Emmanuel Pierrat, who came to present a work on several major criminal cases. Pierrat has the mouth is a rhetorician. Must say he is a lawyer, his job is to speak well. The minutes fly by. Pierrat never stops talking, he mentions the case of Chrysanthemum Street in La Rochelle. He took the opportunity to say that Simenon wrote the vast majority of its production at La Rochelle, the city where he lived. Nonsense. I take a wrap for me to go freshen up. I'll be back soon. Once will not hurt, I shut myself locked in my office for fear of bad joke might disturb me during the interview. I cut the sound on my computer beeps when I get an email off my two cell phones, and waits. 2:35 p.m., the Officer Jacques Pradel Phone: you see, we took a little late. Do not worry, I'll call you back within ten minutes . I reread the notes I prepared. Ten minutes pass, Pierrat endless. Pradel up the pace. Ringing. It's her. My handset, I hear the show. I turn off my radio and listen Jacques Pradel announce my book ... a book that I recommend for the holidays ... Pub. Pradel again: Crime Squad ... ... the quay of the goldsmiths ... The 36 ... Captain Hervé Jourdain, someone I do not know who wrote Blood Ink at 36 ... Hello Mr. Jordan? ... There is barely five minutes before he hands over to Faustine Bollaert. He invites me to 'sell' my book, summarizing the back cover. I start, for better or worse, saying that through this thriller, I wanted to pay homage, first to the cops and the quay of the goldsmiths of the criminal brigade, second in which to record legendary Simenon the site. I would add however that my goal through this plot was to correct the idea that the reader has of the investigation, it is the act of a group of men and women seeking at all costs conclusive evidence, contrary to what Simenon, through the Inspector Maigret, had been reported throughout his 75 novels. A new issue of Pradel who says he counts on me to participate in Back in a program devoted to Simenon, and j'embraye the difficulty that the police writers can meet them, given their status, n 'having no right, under penalty of reproach, to disguise the survey methods as seen regularly in many novels.

Done. Phew. I hang up. Immediately a call. Super Hervé, perfect. " 'm starting Franck King of the com '. Personally, I do not feel the same. Must say I do not like my voice. I told you, I prefer to write.


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