Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Sims 3 Where Is The Relic Of Eternity

Thierry Jonquet left us

They were there, wading through mud, dazed, some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame, a confused mixture of feelings when neighbors, all scan the sky gray-blue in this spring morning, thinking about all they had done half an hour, an hour earlier, when the phone rang at home to pull them of sleep and call them before this maisonette seemingly mundane, drawn at the bottom of a vacant lot.

With these words Thierry Jonquet, died last Sunday in a Paris hospital at age 55, began Moloch, published in 1998 by Gallimard in the collection Black Series. They, are Dimeglio, good father, the frail inspector Dansel always dressed in black suits, the young Jewish Choukroun, and of course the leader, the gruff Rovere, wonderfully played by Jean-François Balmer episodes Boulevard du Palais, the cops of the criminal brigade already crossed five years earlier in the miners. They, they are cops who work in teams, goldsmiths of the procedure that will Gamberg, snoop, doubt, sniff for many days under the control of the charming and fragile magistrate Paris, Nadia Lintz.

Some agree that Jonquet reinvented the noir by rooting it in social criticism. Others say he was a controversial author. I see primarily a political writer, an author brave, in the early 1980s, settled accounts with his old comrades in his novel of political fiction called the past let us clean slate. His latest thriller - They are your fear and you fear - is indicative of this decision risk. This fan of Belleville did not hesitate to endanger them, painting a very realistic picture of the suburbs where "Gauls" of downtown and Bronze bars HLM does not mingled especially where a young teacher PTA was facing anti-Semitism, where the kids in town, lost their marks, were inexorably drawn to the trumpets of jihad.

Meanwhile, inspired by among others the case Kaskazi and Munchausen syndrome - a sordid case of poisoning of a son by his mother who will be worth a trial Jonquet and his publisher - he will continue his work unabated. Social painting disturbing for some, without concessions to others, Jonquet is primarily a writer scrupulous attention to detail, respectful of policing and justice. It is his realism procedural and description of cops human some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame ... who inspired me writing.

I still hear in his words liturgical chants from the Depot police headquarters, the Sisters of the Congregation of Sisters of Mary, Joseph and Mercy prayer every Sunday morning in the chapel attached to the cells reserved for inmates. It can not be invented. Jonquet was a hard worker. It is the first, the only one I know of that has been described as accurately how a group of investigators from the police. A group serving justice, serving the young Nadia Lintz. I said, it was he who made me want to write. Today, however, I have one regret: that of never having thanked him.


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