Sunday, June 14, 2009

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the book The Story of a title

"Phantom of Simenon," "The Ghost of 36", "Blood of ink 36", we get lost a bit. Why these changes? I ask my family. That's what I say as a story:
"There once was a guy who dreamed of writing a contemporary detective story, describing the monitoring of a criminal case as it is practiced, both in its operation in the profiles and behaviors of investigators. Exit the cops alcoholic, depressed, jump over to the delight of the television series. Above all, breaking once and for all with Simenon, who made the legendary pier despite Goldsmiths remonstrances Xavier Guichard, director of judicial police in Paris in the 1930s: no lonely cop in surveys, and personal conviction to oblivion.
Except that Simenon is everywhere in this investigation run by the commander Duhamel, not discard it, it haunts désepéremment the 36 despite the 20th anniversary of his death.
I loved my first title. Readers, who have awarded my manuscript in the spring, were perfect. Unless it has been decided otherwise, the copyright holders of Simenon is very litigious. "The ghost of 36" then took over. I was all ennorgueilli since I work at 36. But it was not counting on price Female acuelle last May, where Daniel-Yves CROUZET got the Prix Coup de coeur from Mr. Coelho himself for his manuscript entitled "Ghosts of Panassié.

dithering within the publishing house. What to do? Two "ghosts" on the shelves of bookstores. Yves-Daniel then launched a contest on her blog titles. I'll even my paw, suggesting one or two songs for me to forgive.
But nothing satisfies him. Finally, the publisher decide. Raider, I get the stolen. At my suggestion to start a title with my colleagues and friends. Some launch in the battle rage, wringing their brains to dry it (the verb and blood "," the goldsmiths to 36 "), others play to suggest titles rather humorous but unconventional for a novel policeman ("36 is not 69").
The story ends well, although, again, my editor will have the last word after an agreement Albin Michel, which published a title roughly similar there ten years. Hervé Jourdain and "blood ink on 36" got married on the steps of the staircase so well described by Simenon. Time will tell if they had many children.

PS You will find links blog-Yves Daniel CROUZET.


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