Monday, February 28, 2011

Variable Of Ap Lab #5

Redesign with minima far from "perfect republic"

The spines of the foot of our policy are removed: Brice
Hortetefeux sentenced by the courts even if it involves decisions still remains advisor to the president. He was replaced by Claude Gueant, a regular policing, this former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-David Levitte influenced the decisions that most questionable of the head of state. This would provide his retirement on 1 April 2011.

MAM pretends not to have understood the impact of its frivolity on the influence of France in the world to try to cast doubt on the integrity of our policies. It is replaced Affairs Foreign by Alain Juppe , Mayor of Bordeaux, for three months in charge of the Ministry of Defence, hoping that the image he had left between 1993 and 1995 will not be tarnished by his conviction in 2004 for mismanagement of public funds. Although he served his sentence, the memories still retain that kind of "randomness" of course.
latter replaced by Gerard Longuet suspected conflicts of interest that does not seem to differentiate between homosexuality and pedophilia: "That there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia, it can happen. Particularly in Catholic schools, we could see it " which was part, also the group West (former far-right political movement), which suggests new adventures in this government.

What about our Prime Minister who should have been replaced, having spent his holidays at the expense of Mubarak, former dictator of Egypt, leaving there also cast doubt on gifts received that would help close the eyes of Chief policy statements harsh?

According to François Fillon, communicating with the language chosen by the government, said that the ouster of MMA is a political deal with the acceleration of history, so many politicians have been caught in the jam jars Arab beginning with him ... Suggesting that the story still deserves better than MMA ...
Patrick Ollier, fellow MMA remains in office despite his friendships with the Libyan dictator.

Alain Juppe would be a prime minister who negotiated bis freedom of action. Obviously, one can only rejoice that Nicolas Sarkozy make concessions even if the fact of obligation.

The head of state, fearing primarily the result of migration Arab revolutions, probably because of the rise of the National Front, would do better, while chair of the G20 that is, everything in the months ahead for that, temporarily, all countries share the future home of political refugees.

Preside means to anticipate, what is not Nicolas Sarkozy. It works and adjust its policy according to the news instead of anticipating the worst. As the good people will not complain too much, we go on. Until when?

Now he'll have to call again, until the presidential election, with a government that will do nothing to "a irreproachable republic "advocated in 2007 by Nicolas Sarkozy.
Sources: 20 minutes, Wikipedia,
Le Figaro. Article
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