Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Make A Shoe Diagram

Don Camillo, the great food memorable Italian

A very strange Berlin last night, between dinner trap and gastronomic discovery of the month. It must be said, I HATE dinners with fifteen people, those where v ou are gone because you had two friends, but finally there is one that brings her cousin, the other its two correspondents in Belgium, and so on. We meet to share a meal with people you know from afar, and you do not want to know better (I assume slight tendency misanthrope completely). I really enjoy the intimate restaurant (or so big tablée childhood pals to engulf burgers, that is another thing). While there, we're going in "West Berlin" is far, is not a cat in the neighborhood. It therefore comes at Don Camillo! Ah, name, a poem. And indeed, In this atmosphere a little classical, formal, suddenly arise tables Fernandel (obviously dressed as Don Camillo, for novices, look it ) greedily eating spaghetti in a German expressionist vein amazing (it can not be invented ), and most importantly, the highlight of the show, a table containing only slender legs and buttocks of a naked woman (photo). An epiphany of sorts.

There is not anywhere here, Don Camillo opened in 1979, cooking in northern Italy, inspired, subtle, firm. And there is no map (I just saw on the website it still had a cooler of food), and the server, very old school, comes with its small service and input samples to show us what we can eat. I found it Reniala as they say. So, I teletransported directly to the melt with scamorza s hiitake (Japanese mushroom) and a sprinkling of truffles. Crazy stuff. Moment suspended in space. We Never land after that. Still, it is up to us to offer primary it, and there the Italian table chooses a misto for everyone: we had the right to all'arrabiata spaghetti, a rolled pasta with ham and rucola mozzarella, and and and ... pasta with truffles (they make themselves their pasta, so the dough was made with shaved truffles ) sprinkled with truffle course. Still crazy. Then he secondo (as you can see, I was crazy with dishes that have taken 300 - to follow the outcome): I chose an assortment of sweetbreads, veal kidneys and liver with spaghetti with a light butter sauce and garlic. From a delicacy, is still outstanding. I enjoy my neighbor Argentine beef wrapped in pancetta, equally impressive, and sole in butter and truffle my overlooked (yes, I developed a kind of compulsive obsession for the nose - I can not win), the first bite is too lemony (the poor), but then without lemon, perfect. At this stage of tasting, we say we can let him die in his chair and wait Fernandel deliver us. But come the desserts (you have to imagine every time the same server, speaking perfect French - alo rs we are at an Italian restaurant in Berlin - come and present the sole raw dough is still wet, etc.) . And when I see him put on the table a simple potato, I say we are in full existentialist film. Will therefore go to your dessert potato. Friends, it's just amazing, because it does not exist in real life, it was never done. He cut the potatoes into very thin strips, cook them in a pan with butter, orange juice, strawberries, and set ablaze with cognac. A great moment. Others have taken the basic tiramisu (very good), strawberries and balsamic vinegar or mustard sabayon (really crazy).

We talk, talk, eat, drink wine (it was very good but no idea what it was). Me from the beginning, I felt the addition point his nose. When she arrived and it was € 100 per head, some who choked. It is extremely expensive friends (that's two weeks of the restaurants, wholesale ...), but it's true that it was amazing. Afterwards, if you go for a special occasion with close friends and you do not order five dishes per person, a magnum of wine, 15 San Pellegrino (why nobody asks jugs of water? "I never understood is a social status thing to dig), I think you can get away for 50 €.

But it's not over ... While everyone was trying to give meaning to painful , the friendly waiter explained that the restaurant did not take the credit card. Ah ah ah ah! And there (they must have used since 1979), it took us by car to the dealer nearest you. What great big party .... Afterwards, I advise you if you really know all these sparingly taste delicious! Don Camillo

Schloßstraße 7 / 8 D-
14059 Berlin-Charlottenburg
Bus M45, 450 Meter Fußweg
+49 30 322 35 72 Reservation required

Basically, the inputs are 10 €, the primi to 12-15 €, secondi to 25 €, and desserts 10 €. The wine has to go hit the 50 € per bottle, but again, it is surely possible to find one at 30 € (if you manage to have a wine list ...)


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