Monday, February 28, 2011

Galdbladder Surgey Itching

Award after the Oscars!

Hello everyone,

Today I received an award from Mylène Bouchard , Roseline Houle and Isabelle Melançon Two of the demonstrators Incredible Embossing Canada. That of Stylish Bogger Award because they love my work. Thank you very much girls. It warms my heart!

To accept this award, I must tell you 8 things about me you probably do not know. So I start! Here's a little bit about me:
  1. I paint on wood. I loved it before, but now I have less time ...

  2. travel fascinate me. I have been to Ireland, France (3 times), England, New York, North Carolina, Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica and Grand Cayman (the last three stops during the cruise). I do not get tired, hence my new career choice: tourism. I plan to go to Italy, Greece (ouiiiii oh!) And in Spain one day (and everywhere else too!:)).

  3. My mother died two weeks after I delivered my first daughter, Rafael.

  4. I still believe in marriage and I wish to marry a day ... My boyfriend does not understand just yet! :)

  5. Bébitte I am a sugar ... I have a weakness for baklava ...

  6. Yes, I admit, I love the Twilight series! It makes me gaga this movie teens!

  7. However, I love True Blood ... Twilight for adults only! In fact, I'm a maniac TV series. It's convenient because I do not listen to broadcasts on a specific schedule. I'd rather slam a box set when I can. I like Smallville (now the 10th season ... it would end soon I guess), Lost, Prison Break.Grey 's Anatomy, etc.. Several me talked about other series, but ... it takes time to listen epidos 22!

  8. I love music of Jason Mraz, Nora Jones, Colbie Caillat and Jack Johnson

Phew, now I'm done. You know me a little more now. I tried to vary a little subjects. I leave you now with a few sites that I like. I stress again the work of Mylène Bouchard and Isabelle Melançon is magnificent. Bravo! For awards to demonstrators that followed, I am based on their amazing projects that inspire me greatly. Some are of the team, and others do not. I wanted to change!

  1. Marika Lemay
  2. Me, and I stamp my
  3. Caroline Martel http://www.lesateliersenfete. / Kimberly Van Diepen
  5. Carrie Gaskin
  6. Niki Toll /
  7. Roseline Houle
  8. Angela Timms

I'm going now to announce that I have outlined on my site! Some are not at their top prize, but hey, when there 's talent, there's talent! :)

Good day everyone!


Game Shark Infinite Money Pokemon Emerald

Edwy Plenel-Book: The President too

THE BOOK: In 2012, it is not enough to dismiss the man. Again he will invent a democratic and social Republic

Presidentialism presidential system is that fundamentalism is religions, what is the absolute monarchies, that sectarianism is belief. This is not the fact that there is a presidency of the Republic, the Republic is in the hands of the President. Bequest of Bonapartism French, who secularized the Caesarian monarchy by divine right over the ruins of an unfinished democratic revolution and betrayed, our presidentialism is a regime of exception become the norm. A standard excess which has continued to grow and which will hyperprésidence Sarkozyist staged decomposition form of corruption in the public mind and abasement of France abroad, Republic of ridiculed and humiliated nation. Read
plug the book on the site

Epididymitis How Long Last

Guaino spent his Christmas holidays in Libya

The special adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, Henri Guaino, spent his Christmas vacation in Libya well before the start of the uprising that threatens the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, during a private visit, Les Inrockuptibles reveal forthcoming Wednesday, March 2.
In an interview with the weekly, Henri Guaino confirms having spent "four days and four nights around New Year's Eve at the ambassador of France in Tripoli as" private. "
Read the IHT Since

says ... Finally ... he said before others speak for him ...

fault confessed is half redressed? We will say that it is the fault "to" history if our policies have made some bad habits?
What can we find so interesting in dictatorships?

Arab revolutions are now a real and urgent challenge.
Juppe's appointment of Foreign Affairs can not erase decades of bad relations to say the least. It seems that even journalists have to change their habits were the same as policies ... dixit FOG Grand Journal de Canal + 28 February.

Our country, as I suspected, sank into corruption that dare not speak its name.
On topic:
Tunisia-Guaino: "This is not the first time that firing live rounds at the rioters" (video)

Diffusion And Osmosis)?

Algeria, land preferred policies

view of the capital Algiers

The friendships between some politicians and regimes of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya were harmed in the French diplomacy. What is Algeria, where a new event takes place this Saturday? sought to understand the value of policies for this country.

They are all gone. Claude Gueant, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Michele Alliot-Marie on the right, Manuel Valls, François Hollande, Jean-Pierre Chevenement left. All passed by Algeria in 2010. Algeria, with which France maintains a passionate relationship, the result of a complex historical legacy .

Read more on the website of the Express

On topic:
Algeria : a young man dies after being sacrificed to Redesign
minima far from "perfect republic"
"Francois Fillon oversees private travel Ministers'
The "friend" of MMA and Ollier accused of having transported mercenaries Gaddafi
The "know how" safe in the French world
Policies in Egypt and Tunisia: Can I use the word corruption?
French diplomacy in question
Tunisia, Egypt: Authorities and Holdings
Tunisia-Guaino: "This is not the first time we fired live actual rioters "(video)
Police French riot police formed the Bahrain
Middle East: democracy endlessly pour tears of blood (videos)


Filmografia Streaming Mario Salieri

Video: When no longer in Galliano lace

" I love Hitler" ( "I love Hitler" "People like you are dead. Your mother, your ancestors would have all was fucking gassed. "
This video" amateur "very eloquent was intended, I think, to end his rantings because it would not his first attempt.

Alpine Iva-w200 Wiring Diagram

n'demande We only laugh: The candidates refuse to do the live Monday's blog

They explained on Facebook. This is the little of Pascal Jumoristes. Humorist Jean Blaguin relays their statement that can be read HERE
On Facebook, the little Pascal denounces the injustice of this issue , respondent at one of their fans:

"The jury did not consider all candidates equally. They allow things to each other that they prohibit. Some comedians have used parts of their show, or even all of their show, sometimes being off topic ... and the jury did not say anything! While other comedians have been criticized for doing so.
It is much easier to play a well-oiled public sketch a sketch performed for the first time. It's like to race a car that has passed all reliability tests and a prototype of all blank tests.
In my case I am not against them using one of their show, where it is relevant to the topic. But while this is said and that the law be the same for everyone. The duration of the sketches are not the same for all candidates (So when the time line Monday to vote is not the same).
Candidates are selected by knowing in advance that they will not go very far in the show buzzer or even on their first passage. Comedians are in connection with the jury, which distorts impartiality. The jury judge according to his tastes and interest (small quote from Jean-Luc Moreau "If the public likes is that it tastes bad).
They keep on the show and do what is right for the ratings, the rest does not matter ...
Le P'tit Pascal "
I had seen the excesses of the issue in an article in October . I already thought that the jury was "foo foo" but since the arrival of Catherine Barma is worse because it
"at the head of the customer." Terrible scathing jury that nothing really proved.
A jury composed of "Unknown", you know real comedy ... it would really mouth ... But probably too expensive for this show that often puts us ill at ease with such contempt for the buzz or others whose "face" does not return. There was
Alain Doucet, who had a duo whose loved the world (but which was not doing enough "audiences" for Catherine Barma) that can be found on its website .
And Ringo and Jimmy, wish cheesy (too cheesy, as the jury) are hilarious, real clowns,

you enjoy delivery on France 2. Again, we feel a real bias on the part of the jury. They should have been submitted to the votes of viewers but the jury was eager to get rid of that evening.
It is true that some people laugh more easily than others (like me :-) and greet new people easily. As for some others, they should remove the misplaced brush that prevents them from relaxing ...

Note: There is a petition
The case is taken seriously, as you can see :-), you do not mess with the basic principles of humor :-)

Article visible on C4News

Tamil Kavithaigal Marriage

Bigarrade bigre it's good!

I had booked Nov. 22 to Feb. 23, Good timing. To paraphrase one of my dear and loving friends, "did you not afraid of falling ill on the big day ?..." The same afternoon, I get a message "you want to dine at the counter?". Not respond quickly enough, and the two spaces in front of me spun cooks under the nose j ' softened the gentleman in the telephone not, who said, okay, we'll do something for you. The Bigarrade is in the 17th, around Brochant in a street where the school is also Vatel (I just to perceive that were never spoken here, so it's a very good plan, rather fun), and the corner bar / restaurant nice The Bl oc .

When you enter, it is both bright and dim, the seats are covered with color covers, it is joy. The festival can begin ... There is no card, chef Christophe Pelé invites you to discover her flat and so much better that way. This has a price (85 € - and 45 € for lunch), but this is not a restaurant where you go everyday you hit the bell, it must be earned, desire. You can accompany wine menu (55 € per person), we preferred to take a bottle of white, Chinon, which was detonating (37 €). And after we go ... To start

shrimp sauteed with lime grilled to peck at the same hand. Then, a blend of black scallop, mackerel with a crumb of plum jam and apple juice, and raw steak with foie gras. Two Jacques scallops topped with a slice of cauliflower and the detail that kills, almond butter ... A porcelain cup to swallow an egg yolk and Oyster chives. The great ceremonial appetizer of inputs and ends to make room for dishes ... although the usual landmarks are no longer held to be too. A thin red mullet caught in a thin slice of bacon colonnata at stuffs r with her pretty fingers, it gives one side rabble and dearly won. More mineral, an asparagus and goat bush. A chopped squid grilled over a wood fire (in any case, it has all the air) with sausage and ham morteau. These duets fish / meat go admirably, especially since the first surprise passed, we want more ... Then simplissime of cod on which throne masterful, a thick slice of black truffle. A coat defeated its frills, just the essentials. To conclude, the milk-fed lamb with asparagus embroidered salmon eggs, and citron. A wait for death, we prefer to spend cheese, a goat and a blue sheep (the latter quite fascinating). Desserts, desserts. I have often bathed like what, desserts, when there is no pastry chef, can do without. Here, we happen to these comments, they are simply delicious. Four little pots of tea atmosphere grandmother, with lemon cream topped with a piece of asparagus, cream Fresh burned what it takes to accompany cooked fruit, sorbet sifted matcha and vanilla cream with candied fruit and truffles ...

is finished, the kitchens have been brushed, washed, sorted, the room emptied as and when and we did not realize it was past midnight. It would run for ra ttraper its subways, but is it really worth? We would like to go back because the menu changes every day, they will have their foibles this head, we had a condensed tonight, but it would be nice to see a closer ... If you have a good opportunity (or not), go ahead, it's divine!

The Bigarrade
106 rue Nollet 75017 Paris

January 1942 26 January 2002
Reservation required (although you can always try to 16h to see if a table has been released for the same evening)

My Face Is Getting Lopsided

Quino, ho ho

Damn, I hate going to a restaurant and choosing the wrong dish ... And yet, I was IS glad to go in that small sign fair, with only things that come from an intelligent agriculture, and I will spare you the rest of the speech, we are here to eat. Even if, even if I can not help note that only opens for lunch and on weekdays, and in my head flashing "warning, office supply," but you see, it's a little different.

The detail that immediately fascinated me is the washer recorded: all the dishes you choose, appetizer, entree, dessert, elephant seals, all in a jar. For once, the actions reflect the words, it is good soil. There, as I said, I'm the awkward choice of salad Vietnamese Beef with quinoa and spinach (8.80 €) that will beef than a few crumbs scattered: if it is fragrant and seasoned, I sorely lack protein. My acolytes has it, the chicken tagine well chosen, well supplied, and any such seasoned. And it is true that it is a highlight of the place, we go out there and spices in your head, wondering what we will cook the fish that evening. For dessert, an apple crumble with cinnamon lightly, provides the coup de grace (4 €).

So ultimately, I think it's great, because I spent more time to tuck a jar in my sidekick ... The little more, when you ask a pitcher of water at the counter: the server tells me the refrigerated display case in which all the products, including a mini jar with slender marked "available" water. We had tears in his eyes.

Well, I'm trying to return fissa to give you news of my choice.

59 rue des Mathurins

75008 Paris 01 40 06 91 04
Open Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Formulas 8 to € 14.90

Turquoise Gel Bracelet

The Jaja, rather

The first impression is top: entry into a private courtyard, sunroom can probably be opened in the summer is nice, but successful trend, we are happy to be there ... Small table top (under the porch) and large tables below ... We set up, it relaxes, and as was very hungry, we are glad to see the server arrived. It tends

the map, I'm all happy, but I admit that there hallucinating a little, entries that easily mount to 24 €, we did not really signed up for this ... having said that the dishes are the same price as the entry, but still ... The service is friendly, nice decor ... but it puts us a little help, admittedly.

I say I'm here to test, so I selected a small scallop tartare-Jacques (with an oil of mandarin) 24 euros, just to see how they justify the price. It was fresh and quite tart, and very good. And extremely basis. In contrast, everything is very very light ... No need to imagine how a dish, unless you are in hunger strike pre-b Ikin. So I was really pleased to have chosen a more solid dish to follow, because I told myself that I went to starve. It's a perspective that can be pretty scary at the restaurant ...

So I made a hot dog main course Jaja, sausage morteau and Golden Mount. Greedy, fondant, tasty bite, I love this kind of flat when it's done. And it does. Now let's be clear, I think it clearly puts the restaurant in the category "good and nice." My scallops tartar-Jacques was more in the minimalist ... Small problem of consistency in the map? yes yes yes ...

I took over because I was not at all ... One afternoon with my father, we were a little embarrassed by the hammer of work ru e, which completely breaks the cool side and rustic winter garden. A map salt nivea u prices (yes, yes, Math is absolutely right), we refer dignity to me naked lunch, clear as spring water at 16 € set menu with ... And there was bingo: chicken and scalloped potatoes, which you will base all chicken purchased at Franprix ... and the top of the top of the caramel French toast (I've put a small picture to support), warm brioche and creamy, with crisp and crunchy mouthfuls of caramel sprinkled with almonds. Go for the dessert ...

During the meal, a new sentiment appears to be a nuisance. It's clean, everything is clean. As the customer ... This restaurant is a product well done, everything is there, but it lacks a bit of feeling, a little passion, a little fun looks like our Canadian friends. It is bored ... Not one word louder than the other, it's smooth attitude.
So you go with that? the kitty a little boring trendy as you want or nab the hipster namedroppingueur makes you dream. And I do not judge eh.

Yeah, you're hard here ... My father is not a twink trendy and appreciated. And I think it would also be very upset to learn that it is perhaps part of the brotherhood of hipsters. Warm. Dad, do not read this post ... I will agree that the advantage of location, as its drawback is that it is for everyone. And the restaurant is like in life, there is a time to choose your side.

Synthesis and overrun by Math: go there at noon is a winning choice, the evening is the consensus price to pay. Except on a hot summer night because then it's a very good idea.

Legend: black is the Math, it's blue and red Tafna Girl is Math which is a synthesis. It's beautiful as a dissertation in philosophy all this tell me ...

The Jaja
3 rue Sainte Croix de la Bretonnerie
75004 Price: evening to map input + Flat in the 40 euro if you do not watch out. Cons by formula to 16 euros at midday with dish and dessert.

Open Daily Tel: 01 42 74 71 52

How To Put On Bedskirt

the cafeteria at noon at the Goethe Institute, quick post lunch

As I've written a billion times on this blog (I'm in the mood today Marseille), I galley race to eat in the 16th at noon. It is a struggle ever renewed, I feel out for lunch by getting my club sandwich at Cojean. In short, as Tafna Girl did me the honor of coming to breakfast with me, I decided to innovate, and we ended up instead at the Goethe Institute Germanic Studies, located at 17 Avenue Jena.
In the lobby is set up a small snack bar with sandwiches in brown bread in a white window in front of you cakes and then a smell of soup .
We take a formula with soup, drink, cake and coffee, all for about 9 € 50 per person. As we are morphaloues and we were afraid of being hungry, we added a little brown bread sandwich. We are served by an adorable German, who made history even a small price to convert us. You can feel just a little stressed, because there is no crowd no doubt .... At the same time who would guess that may arise there?
We start with our tray on a iron tables installed in the entrance and note for later the courtyard, which can be colonized with fine days. We eat our soup with gusto (a mill carrots, leeks and potatoes), which is much more important, and we regret having added a bit of a sandwich on it. Our dessert is brought to our table with his coffee. I devour my apfelstrudel but Tafna Girl stops in its Käsekuchen (cheesecake). She no longer hungry ... And we continue to chat, fairly well settled in this place a little strange, but ultimately very nice! And then lunch at this price point in the neighborhood, although frankly you can not find?
noted they do not take the card, but accept luncheon vouchers!
PS: Germanists PhD students of my acquaintance have no excuse not to have lunch with me now.
Open Monday to Friday from 11am to 15h
Forms at 9 € 50

Drinking Red Wine Cause Black Poop

Aliciabx: most viewed posts of 21 to 27 / 02/2011

Variable Of Ap Lab #5

Redesign with minima far from "perfect republic"

The spines of the foot of our policy are removed: Brice
Hortetefeux sentenced by the courts even if it involves decisions still remains advisor to the president. He was replaced by Claude Gueant, a regular policing, this former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-David Levitte influenced the decisions that most questionable of the head of state. This would provide his retirement on 1 April 2011.

MAM pretends not to have understood the impact of its frivolity on the influence of France in the world to try to cast doubt on the integrity of our policies. It is replaced Affairs Foreign by Alain Juppe , Mayor of Bordeaux, for three months in charge of the Ministry of Defence, hoping that the image he had left between 1993 and 1995 will not be tarnished by his conviction in 2004 for mismanagement of public funds. Although he served his sentence, the memories still retain that kind of "randomness" of course.
latter replaced by Gerard Longuet suspected conflicts of interest that does not seem to differentiate between homosexuality and pedophilia: "That there is a link between homosexuality and pedophilia, it can happen. Particularly in Catholic schools, we could see it " which was part, also the group West (former far-right political movement), which suggests new adventures in this government.

What about our Prime Minister who should have been replaced, having spent his holidays at the expense of Mubarak, former dictator of Egypt, leaving there also cast doubt on gifts received that would help close the eyes of Chief policy statements harsh?

According to François Fillon, communicating with the language chosen by the government, said that the ouster of MMA is a political deal with the acceleration of history, so many politicians have been caught in the jam jars Arab beginning with him ... Suggesting that the story still deserves better than MMA ...
Patrick Ollier, fellow MMA remains in office despite his friendships with the Libyan dictator.

Alain Juppe would be a prime minister who negotiated bis freedom of action. Obviously, one can only rejoice that Nicolas Sarkozy make concessions even if the fact of obligation.

The head of state, fearing primarily the result of migration Arab revolutions, probably because of the rise of the National Front, would do better, while chair of the G20 that is, everything in the months ahead for that, temporarily, all countries share the future home of political refugees.

Preside means to anticipate, what is not Nicolas Sarkozy. It works and adjust its policy according to the news instead of anticipating the worst. As the good people will not complain too much, we go on. Until when?

Now he'll have to call again, until the presidential election, with a government that will do nothing to "a irreproachable republic "advocated in 2007 by Nicolas Sarkozy.
Sources: 20 minutes, Wikipedia,
Le Figaro. Article
visible on C4News


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Discharge Look Like When Pregnant

GIVENCHY Portfolio Wallet Leather and black cotton

Superb portfolio black Givenchy Billfold model.
Deluxe Room very nice quality, price shop € 320.
Pique black cotton embroidered logo Givenchy and smooth calfskin.
closure flap snaps back.
11 card slots, 2 pockets wider.
A zippered pocket with two compartments, a front pocket and back pocket.
Givenchy Logo embossed inside the wallet.
Sold in a gift box and a white dustbag stamped GIVENCHY
Measurements: width: 14 cm, height: 10 cm
Condition: NEW, never used.

Price : 100 € Buy Online / buy online

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Connecting Sanyo Pro 700 To Computer

The fortunes of Qaddafi's family in London?

Colonel Gaddafi secretly deposited the £ 3 billion (4.8 billion dollars) with one of the managers of Mayfair in London private wealth last week while trying to protect the fortunes of his family.
The agreement was negotiated on his behalf by an intermediary based in Switzerland, it is understood, had already proposed another city well known brokerage firm five weeks ago to deposit funds.
However, when the stockbroker has discovered the identity of the ultimate source of funds, he informed the intermediary to take its business elsewhere.
The CEO of the company told the Times: "I said no, because I personally am not comfortable with the murder of tyrants with blood on their hands."
The go-between, so looked for another business to make money.
The news comes as the British Treasury has stepped up efforts to locate and freeze the assets of Colonel Gaddafi Britain, which are thought to be billions of dollars in bank accounts, commercial property and a ₤ 10 million (15.9 million) lives in London. The following

Femal Genital Wax Vids

February 25 was the strike of the Post but not its "moderation" The nephew

The Post explained the initiative in a video : This Friday, the Post's strike and strike posts
Problem: commentators and posters strikers did not know: all comments
been censored, those who did not strike, and especially those who were not supportive, the post of the video have been updated 2:45 p.m.
Extracts which shows that I respond to some commentators:
This Friday, February 25, the Post's strike and strike posts
@ Old France, there are many "human" to Moderation is this factor which imposes the editorial line. The 02/25/2011 12:13
This Friday, February 25, the Post's strike and strike posts
Excellent :-) The 25/02/2011 12:11
This Friday, February 25, the Post's strike and strike posts
yes, moderation requires its editorial censoring comments and posts. When reporters and writing will realize, it's too late.
It might be waking up ...
You are able to strike for your wallet but take the problem at its root.
You should be able to strike to seek to change society of moderation.
I think you would be followed.
When I think of people dying for more freedom, others see only their wallets.
But this was a must for little me. The 02/25/2011 11:57
This Friday, February 25, the Post's strike and strike posts
These are the posters that are the business of the Post and more free.
I think an article on the editorial restraint imposed on some newspapers, they are not so many as that. And it will not be for The Post, you do not deserve some posters and I do not mean just me.
Getting users to uncivilized people, it goes some time.
You would therefore only a handful to be civilized?
Sarkozy has taken the "Carla One" to see his son in New York and love the office safe: "The rumor is like the cock, it is found in the mouths of whores! "It is a UMP that wrote this and that The Post has missed yet so eager to its charter.
Nobody except a few "followers" are following you but that's all. office-without-risque_0_5226178.html # reaction_5226178
When you have solved this problem of "moderation" that dictates the editorial line (whether you like it or not, it is), then you will be more credible.

And today as The Post went on strike, I publish reviews to show my disagreement.
I do not strike, I'm not so fixed ... The 02/25/2011 11:50
This Friday, February 25, the Post's strike and strike posts but not (yet) strike at the Cafe de la Poste
a 25 / 02/2011 11:38
n'inquiète This person really, this manipulation?
Finally ... I trust my fellow readers, posters and commentators that will draw the consequences for themselves ...
On topic:
My perspective on "Post" to the management of the "World"
Why the direction of world would she want the death of the Post?
France: The fine internet censorship
