Monday, December 20, 2010

Pennsylvania Driving Test Quiz

Memorial Christmas!

Hello everyone!

In the previous post, I told you that I left my blog for a few weeks, but already I'm cheating!

I wanted to give you a frame with a picture of Christmas that we made yesterday. We went to see Santa at the mall, but Rafael did not want to sit and talk to him. So, here are just photos of Evangeline. I placed a photo on paper design Christmas and a button affixed decorated with ribbon to embellish the whole. A simple paper and embellishment can change your photos. So during the holidays, take photos and
fun after!

Multi In One Card Reader Rb 539 Driver

A gift bag!

Hello everyone!
Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! I think I'm as excited as my girls! This weekend took place the celebration of my oldest, Rafael, and she was already boosted! Imagine, Christmas arrives the weekend after her birthday! Even more energy! We can not wait that Santa arrives on the night of December 24 to 25! Maybe he will leave a nice present ... We do not know!
As for you, have you all your gifts? I present an image of gift pouch where you can insert a gift card or gift certificate for a loved one. By pulling on the end sticking out of the pocket, one discovers the gift. Like this:
I also wish to remind my VIP day on 8 January. This event can be a nice gift for someone, because in addition to a gift bag (including new sections of the mini catalog), the person may use and tinker with the new equipment. In addition, there will be drawings during the day. A beautiful gift to give! Only $ 30. I have a few places only! Hurry! For details, see the blog COURSE.
As for me, I take a well deserved break for a few weeks. I'm going on holiday with my love to go visit my family in Gaspe and Quebec City. I will return in January with lots of projects to present to you. By here you can contact me via email to reserve your place in a course or day VIP or to place an order.
Merry Christmas to everyone and that the new year brings you good times and quality with the people you love. Smile to life and life will smile!
Marie-Josée xxx

Friday, December 10, 2010

Very Nice Elegant Wrapping Paper

It changes a little theme! There's the

Hello everyone,

Today, I was a little tired and maps Christmas projects. Here I present a Christmas card created with the art of cake frosting. You may notice that I used the paper Christmas O Christmas Tree. I still have enough and I still do not want to lose. So why not pick the leaves versatile? The striped red can be combined with other opportunities, not just at Christmas. Try doing the same thing with your papers. Use them for different occasions if you can. This way, you save a little!
Good day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tooth Mousse Walgreens

Flameche in the air!

Hello all!

It's been a long time, is not it? What is the last date I've submitted a project? Crazy, crazy, crazy! Returning to school is going well, but I'm busy! Next week, I finish classes before the Christmas holidays and I have 3 exams at the end of session. So, Friday, Saturday and Sunday = school!

However, before this latest blitz, I had my hostess club last night and my clients have great plans. I showed the stamping techniques on a fly ball and the girls were really packed (and even survoltées for some, but that's another story!). With their agreement, I'd like to introduce their works. I am very proud of them! Congratulations girls! You see, this is a sample project that performs at clubs. Moreover, a new club will be launched in February. Registrations have commenced and will conclude at the end of January. For more information, go to the club section or contact me!
Good day to all!


Melissa and Stephanie
Stephanie and Marie-Eve

Friday, December 3, 2010

Vankirk And Sandalwood Hair Dresser

VIP day in January!

Hello everyone,

I can not wait to show you the new mini-catalog to be released January 4. I'm already preparing some surprises for the VIP day that I organize. It's still far, but I prefer to talk in advance and make reservations immediately.

This day is very special! First, you will see the new and used when creating realize a win-. Then I will give you a gift bag that contains material from the mini-catalog in question. While sipping small bites, you can also place an order and enjoy a 20% discount that I will offer specially for this day VIP. Then at the end of the day, I'll take a small gift from all those who have ordered.
When: January 8, 2011, 13h
Where: my house 30 de Musset
Cost: $ 30
Registration Deadline: January 2 (payable at registration)
Places are limited , so book now to enjoy this special offer!

I also want to say that my class schedule for January and February is already displayed in the course. Go take a look to discover what you like best! I even have a class for men only! Talk to your buddies! And remember the deadline for registering.
Until next time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Does Cervix Swell Before Period

50%, 40% or 30%? The choice is yours!

WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what! In addition to promoting the kit, there is a new promotion that just came out today. Several products are sold at 50%, 40% and 30%. For a list of articles, click image above. You'll see that it is really worth! If the items you are interested, please e-mail me or call me. I can place your order. If you get together to place an order and it totals $ 200 or more, no shipping fees will be applied. It's a great opportunity to make Christmas gifts or to spoil, do not you think?
careful however, because the promotion ends November 30!
I await your call!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Best Church Guest Cards

Hurry! Starter Kit to 50% off!

Hello world!
I'm late, yes I know! If you click image above, you may notice that the promotion is from 15 to 30 November. We are 19. Mea culpa! I mentioned this to my clients in promoting clubs and courses, and I've forgotten my site.
So here, another big promotion has just been published Stampin'Up!. Whether you want to have the starter kit for your personal enjoyment or to make a career, Stampin'Up! you offer 50% discount until 30 November. But the price is $ 107.50 for a kit worth $ 375. This is the best offer Stampin'Up! has done so far on this kit. Just four games with stamps included in, you return your money. Click the link for more details or contact me. It will make me happy to answer your questions. But do not wait, because it is only until November 30!
nice day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mileage Plus Mileage Calculator

Surprises club hostess!

Hello everyone,

How are you? I do not know about you, but for me, Christmas is coming fast! First, the Christmas presents are made. Yes, yes, already! In this way, I will not be at the last minute! Then, at least, was what we wanted. On top of that, I sing Christmas songs constantly. So, yes, Christmas is coming.
In fact, today I present to you is that I will carry out the project with the daughters of my hostess club tonight: a pop-up card. With the cutting of the big shot, it's great! You will understand why by looking at the pictures.

Here is the card made with Christmas paper design Cheers ancestral grounds. I love this paper! Then, I used assorted papers, inks, or cherry carmine and Always Artichoke. I also added a fringe of ice cubes made from Crystal Effects and diamonds resplendent. It's very easy to do and is one of the techniques I show tonight. The other technique is that of resistance in Versamark and clear powder. This technique was used on the cover of the card. See the result.
Then inside the card is a Christmas tree beautifully decorated with brads, beads and a string of mini Christmas. I just decorated the card with text and a design paper edge. Voila! As I had no stars, I took a piece of string that I tied at the top of fir.
And my hostess tonight receive a small gift that I made this afternoon: magnets holidays. I glued the paper design underneath small stones purchased in a big box store and then I set the magnet (magnetized sheet Stampin'Up). Finally, I wrapped a piece of holiday garland. The girls will probably succumb to pretty to decorate their refrigerator magnets.
That you interested in being part of a club hostess? It takes only a group of 6 to start! Contact me or go to the Club section above!
nice day, xxx

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bathroom Manifold Valve Diagram

Maps a la carte!

Hello world! How are you this cold that we announced that soon winter will be there? For my part, I do not have time to let me freeze! Oh no! It's happening here, move!
Since Halloween, I have not had much time for me, hence the fact that my blog was not updated as often as I would have liked. Since 1 November, I started school. Yes yes! Now I am studying at college in April-Fortier tourism and travel organization. I started last week and already I have tons of homework, work teams and even an oral presentation in three weeks. Phew! I forgot what it was student life! I must also find time for my family during my Christmas cards, my club hostess and the projects I want to present. So I'm pretty busy!
is why I have no plans to present to you today. However, I am announcing an upcoming event:
maps to the map!
When: Sunday, December 5
Time: 13h to 16h
Cost: $ 2 per card
8 places available!
This is an afternoon during which you can come and make your own Christmas cards from me at $ 2 each. You will be able to use my equipment (Big Shot, ribbons, ties, shiny paper, cardboard, etc.).. However, you must bring your own adhesive (tape adhesive glue dots, sizers, glue stick, snail, etc.).. Want to make a dozen? Five? One? No problem! Only $ 2 per card! Spend a day with bricoleuse, admire the work of others and get inspired!
It must be booked before Friday, December 3, because there are only 8 places available.
* If you bring a new person I do not know, you and your friend will get a small gift! *
Hope to see you there!
I present a project soon, I promise!
Kisses everyone!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spark Plug Wiring 2001 Mustang

Are you ready? Three options for Christmas

Halloween! Halloween! We want candy! I do not know if you're ready, if your bags of candy are, but here we are ready! The little vampires, wolves, ghosts, witches, princesses and company will surely be thrilled to have tons of candy. As for me, I let myself go with my girls prepare for the cones of candy for children. Here is what I present to you today: our pot of candy.
Inside, you'll find boxes of milk decorated, as well as cones made from paper design specialty ghostly. You can find just about everywhere on the internet, models cones and cans of milk, but my horns, I took them to the website of Kimberly Van Diepen.
Our neighbors told us to prepare many, many, many bags. You can imagine that I have not gone 200 cones or boxes, but I've still done a lot. I also took care to attach my business card. It remains only to wait to give and delighted to see the face of children. Rafael and Evangeline are very anxious to give to their friends, but they are even more eager to roam the streets as a princess and a monkey to collect candy! I leave you time to check out the project.
Kisses everyone

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Samsung Ml 1610 Turn Off Toner-save Mode

Hello everyone,
Now that my eyes are healed, I could get into my Christmas projects. So I offer you today, my three projects of Christmas cards. You can register by mail or by phone until Wednesday, October 27 for O Christmas tree, or until 2 November for Christmas Cheers and Holiday Fair. I can also teach the course with you, with your friends if you prefer.
The amount of each option is $ 30. However, I offer a promotion for those who want to make two or three courses.
two elective courses: $ 55
3 courses: $ 80 + 20% discount on all orders placed during the course
Here is the course description. Click on the name of the course see more photos.
Course Monday, 1 November at 19h. The standard package includes 8 cards with envelopes (4 different models).
box inspired by Jodie ( ). The course will be held Monday, November 8 at 19h. The box will contain four standard cards and 4 mini cards with envelopes.
inspired Fanny Trépanier ( The course will be held Thursday, November 18 at 19h. We will do 2 standard cards, 4 mini cards with envelopes, gift tags (you'll have a string of hemp) and a music card. Upon registration, you will choose the card or not recordable.

I hope to have the opportunity to work with you and show you that you have talent! And tell your friends when they receive a card made of your hand? WOW! Absolutely WOW!
Go sign up! There will be lots of fun!

Monday, October 18, 2010

When Does Victoria Secret Drug Test

New promotion for Christmas shopping! A

Planning a holiday home workshop for making your Christmas cards? It's great, because your guests and yourself will enjoy the new promotion Stampin'Up!. By clicking on the image, you can have all the details of the promotion. You can get some Christmas items at 20% discount to make your best projects for the holiday season. You can order any time until December 16. Remember the deadline. If you want to be on time, there must be!

I let you take a eye to promotion, while I rest my eyes! Ulcers are not going so much better!

Good day!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Electric Box Cheats Level 19


Hello everyone,

this morning, I write a message that depresses me a little: I have to rest a while, a few days. I have ulcers in their eyes. Yes yes, you read correctly: in the eyes! It's incredible, I can not believe it! And that's when we no longer use the eyes you realize how important this is. My view is correct, but I am unable to keep your eyes open for more than 2 minutes because of the clarity. Even today, it's raining here and I have to wear glasses sun and keep your eyes closed as long as possible.

I'm still two minutes to explain. Next week I'll come back with a vengeance. This weekend, I'll take the time to rest my eyes. No work scrapbook.

I wish you a good weekend! Xxx

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pirate Ships Labeling

Chronicle: The well of the perversion - Michael Vigneron

difficult to close such a book. It is dark and cruel, as announced back cover. I would add that sometimes it is unbearable with passages worthy of the Marquis de Sade, and especially with the deeply human journey crossed by three main characters. A thriller that makes one wonder about the daily violence and our society in a vacuum, through a provincial cop disillusioned by the justice system that console between the thighs of a prostitute whom he falls in love with a girl incest victim who shares with us his suffering and remorse through his diary, and John, a leader reduced to a homosexual relationship with a minor dormant.

Peeled scalpel, murders are linked. But the strength of the text is the lack of value judgments. There is no good, not evil. Everyone lives with his troubles, his mistakes, his past, each is embedded in everyday life. A little like Hugh Pagan.

Michel Vigneron is a cop and it feels, it transpires every page, through dialogues, hierarchical conflicts, and scenes of daily life as a police officer. I not talking about the morning coffee or the annual rating, I talk about the autopsy scene, glottis playing with a yo-yo in the discovery of the corpse fermented, this hyper-realistic scene of "slicing" committed by Gypsy with an old lady in a remote farm, I mean this kid who tries to escape sexual abuse from his father by pretending that his mentruation period is not over.

Thanks Michael. Well of perversion moved me guts. Thank you to Gilles Guillon, editor-in Ravet Anceau, which allowed me to read you.