Monday, December 20, 2010

Multi In One Card Reader Rb 539 Driver

A gift bag!

Hello everyone!
Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! I think I'm as excited as my girls! This weekend took place the celebration of my oldest, Rafael, and she was already boosted! Imagine, Christmas arrives the weekend after her birthday! Even more energy! We can not wait that Santa arrives on the night of December 24 to 25! Maybe he will leave a nice present ... We do not know!
As for you, have you all your gifts? I present an image of gift pouch where you can insert a gift card or gift certificate for a loved one. By pulling on the end sticking out of the pocket, one discovers the gift. Like this:
I also wish to remind my VIP day on 8 January. This event can be a nice gift for someone, because in addition to a gift bag (including new sections of the mini catalog), the person may use and tinker with the new equipment. In addition, there will be drawings during the day. A beautiful gift to give! Only $ 30. I have a few places only! Hurry! For details, see the blog COURSE.
As for me, I take a well deserved break for a few weeks. I'm going on holiday with my love to go visit my family in Gaspe and Quebec City. I will return in January with lots of projects to present to you. By here you can contact me via email to reserve your place in a course or day VIP or to place an order.
Merry Christmas to everyone and that the new year brings you good times and quality with the people you love. Smile to life and life will smile!
Marie-Josée xxx


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