Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cause Of Face Swelling Up

Blood Ink at 36: recent flows, recent comments and a few signings in perspective ...

Young Author unmonumented, two months ago I operated a real plunge into the unknown. Because writing is one thing, selling is a different story. Search columnists, sending the book to several journalists, I emptied my phone plan in less than time it takes for Usain Bolt to cover the 100 meters. Surprise! Besides the Prisma, the price of players associated VSD, the press has responded (Europe 1, Metro France, France Info, Western France), as well as several internet writers.

Nevertheless, despite visits to several libraries to determine their discharge, I stayed some time away from the overall figures. My editor told me finally figure of 1300 sales after ten days of marketing, a good omen. However, the publisher did not give me any particular purpose.

before yesterday, I read in an article Telerama a first novel sold 5,000 copies was a success. This is great, because my editor told me, besides a reprint of 1500 copies of "Blood ink on 36" which was in addition to 12,500 copies distributed, a sales figure of around 4500 to 23 August. Another source told me 5200 to the same date. I was excited about these numbers of course, especially as placed my fleece in the eighth and sixth place in the list of novels large, behind the three Millennium by Stieg Larsson.

In this regard, I enclose the last three Reviews received:

Finally the real policeman! Book
perfectly well written, no vulgarity. Reading is easy, the characters well described, and the suspense on every page. I really enjoyed myself and I hope we Herve Jourdain will release a new thriller. A big thank you to the author.

Dear Herve,
I wanted to tell you that I am currently reading your novel and yet I feast! for me you are the "ED MC BAIN" french the 21st century, I have the feeling of being totally immersed in this investigation in the heart of 36 Quai des goldsmiths ... The characters are endearing because they are real ... In Anyway I'll make a huge best seller in the bookstore because I will make sure that this is a big success to share my favorite! I will be your special correspondent in St. Cloud ... Congratulations! A Soon

That, my reading is over ... unfortunately! Your book put me in GAV for 48 and loved it! It is one of those books I do not want to ask because I want to know more, a book that makes me miss my subway, bus, my pasta that turns to mush. inedible because I did not monitor the cooking (it was this afternoon, thank you Hervé!), which makes me fight against sleep, because I say "at the end of this chapter, j'éteinds and sleep ... but the end comes and I'll stay on mine ... so I repeated one! !
I loved your book for a ton of reasons: I like the style, without exaggeration. There is necessarily realistic in detail because it is your job, and it counts. Not only for the details, but also for the characters, I guess the cops in this novel are not so fictitious it finally. This beautiful and rebellious Nora has incredible strength and what Duhamel, who appeals to women you said, but especially loves to seduce. It does not make it, a little old school, who knows his job and who says what he thinks, but ultimately remains quite enigmatic ... I think! The plot, perfect! Simenon ringside seat! Nothing to say. Worked in the suspense until the end, I did not think this villain XXXXXXXXX may be the murderer! And what a tribute to
36! This dive inside this place, all these minute details, colors until the coffee machine, all these little chickens running around! We're in the mood. Dauphine and the square that I love, it's so quiet, with his pigeons! I felt the back of your book as a beautiful tribute to the dock of Goldsmiths and your colleagues.
Honestly, for a first novel is successful. I do not know if you intend to do a series of adventures, but one thing is certain, that it is necessary that you continue to write, because me, I want to read and I hope the next you myself autograph it!

few signings and meetings are scheduled for the fall:
  • Fnac Nantes on September 19
  • First festival of the detective novel Roissy-en-Brie (77), early October
  • Media Choisy-le-Roi (94) October 10
  • Cognac Festival on 17 and 18 October
  • Meeting at the Library of Fresno (94) November 7

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cervical Mucus With White Clumps

Simenon, Guichard and Commissioner William

Referring to the famous William commissioner and the inspector in February in my "Blood Ink at 36, I was recently asked for further information. Here, starting with the tribute paid in February 1963 by Georges Simenon in Le Figaro writing at the death of the Divisional Commissioner Marcel Guillaume, head of the criminal brigade in the 1930s.

's death Commissioner William affects me personally. It said he had modeled the character of Maigret, and that's partly true. Where, after publication of the first three or four novels in the series, Xavier Guichard, director of the PJ, has asked me to go see the police to show me in flesh and bones, along with the operation its services, the commissioner William, Chief of the Criminal Brigade, which has charge of this initiation.
Subsequently, William, for the art of interrogation, in particular has been in touch with one of his former collaborators, have in general matter, the Commissioner Massu, who was to succeed him some years later.
These two men, equally aware and equally professional skill, I have been very valuable. Which one is more faded on a Maigret already existing but still schematic? It would be even more difficult to say that I have seen other officials of the PJ which, perhaps unbeknownst to me, I was more or less impressed ...
Although there is no trace of the first passages of Simenon at the dock of the goldsmiths, the former head of the column of dogs crushed the Gazette de Liège has repeatedly said there have come upon his arrival in Paris in 1923, so as to glean some info to soak up the scene, observing the comings and goings. This is only a decade later, however, after a long journey by barge across several European countries and the success of his first Maigret, Simenon returns to 36, as "guest", this time above. ... After the publication of the first three or four novels in the series, Xavier Guichard, director of the PJ, has asked me to visit him to show me the police in the flesh ... In fact, the first Maigret Launched with a lot of calls are of judges by the lords of the Special Brigade. Carly is Michel, the Belgian Simenon biographer who writes: Xavier Guichard, former head of the brigade anti-anarchist, who launched the assault at Choisy-le-Roi in 1912 against the Bonnot gang , Simenon offers to discover the function and atmosphere of "house". For the first investigations of Inspector Maigret are incorrect. Simenon confuses National Security and Judicial Police, inspectors and auditors, gendarmes and mobile guards, ignore what a judicial delegation, while that her character wearing a bowler hat and a pipe assumes all hideouts in place of his deputies.
Presented to Commissioner William Simenon will then have the honor to live like a cop at the heart of the homicide squad, the "Brigade Chief" as to call the police of the inter-war period. He will visit the laboratory, the filing of the palace, the service of the Forensic and his famous mattress located under the roof of the wharf until the late 50s, will attend numerous hearings, including the "mass" the famous morning meeting of key department heads held in the principal's office.

Simenon, great observer of everyday life, will draw many lessons from discussions with Guichard, William and his successor Massu. Description of the premises, air surveys, interviews with the song, stories of old sleuths, nothing escapes him. While Commissioner William prefers a cigarette in briarwood; While his office has a view overlooking the Pont Neuf and not on the Pont Saint-Michel as in Maigret. But the divisional, like the fictional character, rises regularly stoke the iron stove, and has an employee named in February, which will become the faithful in January of Simenon's novels. This photo taken in the very office of Divisional William on the occasion of the custody of jeweler Mestorino in 1928 is suggestive of the universe at the time. The man in black look, the drooping mustache, the one who fixed the suspect crestfallen, exhausted, none other than William. The man sitting to his right is his assistant, his secretary, mischievously called the "dog of the Commissioner." And standing behind the desk for the picture, obscuring part of the frame supporting the portraits of the Sûreté of Paris died during the World War I, the inspector in January.

You will find a wealth of information on the following site:
As for fans of the crime squad and miscellaneous, they take great pleasure in reading the memoirs of Commissioner William:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

42 Wrapping Paper Storage

"Blood ink on 36" in print

Find columnists is not easy. Those who know me rub that I put all my aggression. An article in Metro France, four-minute interview in Coffee crimes Jacques Pradel, a weekly insert in the Detective few minutes in the microwave Franck Cognard on France Info, and a series of articles on literary blogs or general sanction two months were hard.
month of August was well underway when I was contacted by a journalist specializing in western France sporting press. Fell on my fleece before going on holiday, swallowed it in a few days and found that heroin was a seasoned marathoner who learned his trade at ASPTT Nantes, a local club. Wanting to know if there was not an ounce of truth in the character of Nora Belhali, the journalist contacted me by mail. It followed a conversation where we discussed the route of FC Nantes, my love of running, my feelings for the city of Duchess Anne, and especially the willingness to incorporate autobiographical elements in certain characters, including that of the old babysitter peace. My interlocutor drew a great paper in our discussion. Here:

informed of the publication of the article, I then cleared by bus to the Gare Montparnasse search daily. Happy as a kid reading the article in the pages Nantes city.
Except that in the afternoon, I learned that Professor of Literature and History, origin Nantes seems he published on his blog a text explanation of the famous section of western France. For seven weeks now, waiting patiently for acerbic comments or insults, especially as the back cover of my book, distributed to thousands of copies since July 2 hides nothing from my job as a police officer, my mail account also appears in the final pages of my novel. But until then, nothing. Finally, the critics will come from this teacher who has not read my novel - but who sees me as the spiritual son of Sarkozy, and which in a few words rather poorly for a teacher turned 'Letters, managed to add the word Hortefeux his ticket. Luc Douillard, I implore you, read my book before making judgments of value. The cop observed there not a crime scene before describing? Historian - you are - he investigates not before drawing conclusions? Do not you read "the glory of my father" to your students before speaking of Pagnol? Read the rest of your tickets (mood), I'm finally not surprised at your hasty judgments. My detective is classified in the culture section and not in politics.

I'd end on a happier note, with these few words Nenya Elf, a Swiss met on Facebook:
Hi Hervé! As promised, I ordered, received and read your first novel. I fell in, as it falls into a very good or very good Navarro Maigret. Unable to come out! The joy that I made to find the perpetrator of the murder with the team of Scarface! I liked the beginning, I was captivated by the end and I loved everything else. On page 283, I was sure that the murderer was XXXXXXXXX, you had me well! But also, I thought you would not dare introduce XXXXXXX in your first novel. ...... What a wonderful novel! It is perfectly awesome. And you can be sure it's a real compliment, because if I did not read 2000 books at the very least, I have not read any. Here, in a few words my opinion - however humble it I hope it will please you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Descente Ski Jacket Vancouver

From eleven to sixty-seven

In a deliberate style tragi-comic, I told you in a previous post after receiving an email from a certain Georges Simenon, who I claimed accounts following the dissemination of "his" email account in my novel , Which gave him, in his words, threats and spam messages repeatedly. Some doubts, disturbed nights and e-mail exchanges later, the ghost of Simenon ultimately proved to have originated from the expert hand of one of my best friends, someone I like to call cyber cop.

return to Paris, I hastened to contact Lawrence. We talked about his joke, of course, sales figures, critics. He quickly invited me to come and see. Meanwhile, many colleagues gave me their feelings of reading, the novel has suffered grains of sand beaches metropolis during the month of July. Until now, when I expected a photocopier makes me copies of proceedings of several tens of pages:

- Herve, you'll never guess the age of your youngest reader ?
I do not like riddles. I decided to let him "come" ...
- Eleven years. This is my daughter, says he laughs. She is three-quarters ...
Eleven years is also the age of my eldest son, to whom I always refused to flip the fleece of fear that he read a few lines. At that moment, my brain, made amorphous by a short sleep and even decaffeinated coffee has a beat. One, two, three seconds is enough to sweep me up a shot twenty-one chapters. Much like a software who are asked to search for viruses and trojans hidden in a hard disk. Bothered by the noise of the photocopier, by the colleague who added that the book was now in Mexico, my brain made his verdict: no viruses, whew ... but a warning: Chapter 18, "replied my hard drive, scene autopsy.
- She reads a lot, "he says.
classified in the category "never without a book," the girl. Novels adventure for teens, some classics too, and Harry Potter of course.
- Harry Potter?
- Yeah ...
Sauvé then. Because I say it loud and clear, the Harry Potter books are more violent than my fleece. Except this scene autop 'and a few insults, are no hemoglobin, no shots of brooms, no recipes juice frog, no dirty tricks to Voldemort in my fleece.
toner copier having passed away, I was spinning quietly in my office. A look behind me to check I had not been taken into flag destruction and Filoche, and I logged on my email account to find two messages. The first was signed by a future peacekeeping residing in the suburbs, which allowed me to publish his message: I come to the moment finished reading your book "Blood Ink at 36. I usually hate to read but I spent my day reading it. Incredible, awesome, perfect, fluid, interesting, captivating, moving, active, exciting, taping ..... Here are some words that come to the hot décrire.Bravo and thank you for giving me the desire to read !!!!!! You can certainly use my testimony if necessary.

Regarding the latter, I'll let you find out:
I just read your book "Blood ink on 36" and I want to express my admiration for a first book, it's great. I read everything Simenon and really without any flattery you are worthy to replace it because this novel is very interesting, taking as I read it in two days, I could not let go so I find it well written, a story very well put together and we look forward to the end. But now I feel a bit frustrated because I did not put me in a different reading. You know this is the first time I send my prints to a writer, but this is really "a thunderbolt" with your book ..... keep Especially because I look forward to another novel signed by you. So well done, and cordially.
PS: This is a 67 year old grandma who writes.

short, a few days later I was again harassed by my friend Lolo. I have something to give you, "he told me to push me to visit him and make the five-hundred meters that separate us. Party seeking the password for the email account , he was again surprised me by handing me a block of stamps issued in 1994 France, a block three stamps bearing the Belgian, Swiss and French at the portrait of Simenon that I describe in "blood" ink. You will notice that the portrait - signed Roegiest - is the same on all three stamps. Only the background is different: bridge arches in Liège for Belgian stamp, quay of the goldsmiths to the patch to 2.80 francs and castle of Echandens for Switzerland.
Lolo's father, keen philatelist, doubted the existence of this block. Lawrence was found. I do not know what to say. Do not know how to thank him. Great gesture of friendship. I am moved. I will hasten to put the block under glass he has tracked down a sales site to auction. He refuses to give me the price.

For fans of Simenon and philately, you will find a wealth of information on the following link:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Sims 3 Where Is The Relic Of Eternity

Thierry Jonquet left us

They were there, wading through mud, dazed, some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame, a confused mixture of feelings when neighbors, all scan the sky gray-blue in this spring morning, thinking about all they had done half an hour, an hour earlier, when the phone rang at home to pull them of sleep and call them before this maisonette seemingly mundane, drawn at the bottom of a vacant lot.

With these words Thierry Jonquet, died last Sunday in a Paris hospital at age 55, began Moloch, published in 1998 by Gallimard in the collection Black Series. They, are Dimeglio, good father, the frail inspector Dansel always dressed in black suits, the young Jewish Choukroun, and of course the leader, the gruff Rovere, wonderfully played by Jean-François Balmer episodes Boulevard du Palais, the cops of the criminal brigade already crossed five years earlier in the miners. They, they are cops who work in teams, goldsmiths of the procedure that will Gamberg, snoop, doubt, sniff for many days under the control of the charming and fragile magistrate Paris, Nadia Lintz.

Some agree that Jonquet reinvented the noir by rooting it in social criticism. Others say he was a controversial author. I see primarily a political writer, an author brave, in the early 1980s, settled accounts with his old comrades in his novel of political fiction called the past let us clean slate. His latest thriller - They are your fear and you fear - is indicative of this decision risk. This fan of Belleville did not hesitate to endanger them, painting a very realistic picture of the suburbs where "Gauls" of downtown and Bronze bars HLM does not mingled especially where a young teacher PTA was facing anti-Semitism, where the kids in town, lost their marks, were inexorably drawn to the trumpets of jihad.

Meanwhile, inspired by among others the case Kaskazi and Munchausen syndrome - a sordid case of poisoning of a son by his mother who will be worth a trial Jonquet and his publisher - he will continue his work unabated. Social painting disturbing for some, without concessions to others, Jonquet is primarily a writer scrupulous attention to detail, respectful of policing and justice. It is his realism procedural and description of cops human some weeping, others staring, trembling hands, choked by disgust, pity, anger, shame ... who inspired me writing.

I still hear in his words liturgical chants from the Depot police headquarters, the Sisters of the Congregation of Sisters of Mary, Joseph and Mercy prayer every Sunday morning in the chapel attached to the cells reserved for inmates. It can not be invented. Jonquet was a hard worker. It is the first, the only one I know of that has been described as accurately how a group of investigators from the police. A group serving justice, serving the young Nadia Lintz. I said, it was he who made me want to write. Today, however, I have one regret: that of never having thanked him.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Brazilian With Hemorrhoids

Maigret and the ghost

I referred in my last post, receiving an email from a Georges Simenon ... twenty years after his death. A namesake of the author, even a passionate write me, I expected a little. What I found particularly surprising is that this reincarnation, the ghost of Simenon somehow uses the famous address that I created here a few months in the body of my novel:

Sir, It is with astonishment that I discovered that my email address used in a novel, your it seems, without that I was informed, much less that it Myself sollicité.Cet use without my permission, my email tells me a serious injury. I get in effect for several days of emails from people who appear there, read your novel, some take me for you, others think I am a murderer! "I think it will not be long before my address is posted on the internet and I am flooded with such messages! My address is no longer usable, not to mention invitations MSN I get! I know what you expect faire.Dans waiting for your response GS

shit then! It stinks. Trial, troubles in perspective and a publisher, legally responsible, angry. But I had everything planned. As soon as the announcement of the official distribution of my thriller, I double checked with Microsoft address available would answer the webmaster U.S. last March. I stopped there in my investigations, not taking care to validate the creation of this email account condemned to vegetate.

Therefore, two possibilities open to me. First idea, I keep the info for me, I talk to anyone, and if it is the famous George will not continue. If it is too bad it's just a joker, a schoolboy joke, that of a guy who, taking advantage of the availability of this email, fun meant to scare me. Second idea: No, I must talk to my editor. I can not keep it to myself at risk of being fooled by a prankster.

Finally, in the middle of my vacation, I decided to contact the new authors. "It is good that you call me, my editor told me, you have to prepare myself patches for a new printing of 1500 copies for the restocking (book stock to meet demand from booksellers). Your book sells well, if this keeps up, the stock replenishment will be exhausted in mid-August. "

result, the joy of a reprint masked bad my anxiety. I employed finally an evening of holidays in the Auvergne to correct a misspelling raised by my mother, a mismatch of year of birth of a character and a typo while I hastened to change the famous e-mail address georges-Simenon by adding an e to hotmail to avoid trial in my editor and invalidate the email address appearing in my text.

Thereupon, on Monday, a new mail from the famous George, after my last post and my non-response:
Hello, Mr. Jordan, I see that obviously you do not bother to answer my message and the height of boorishness, you're laughing at me on your blog! I am neither a "type" or "Georges Simenon" but merely a passion that uses the address that you used in your book, without my permission I will remind you! Now as I assumed my address in addition to being in your novel is taken up on the internet and I'm spammed! And despised by you! Before you laugh you could have the correct answer and check! Bravo Mr. singer-policeman. I repeat my question that you intend to do to stop the unrest caused? GS (of course this is not true Georges Simenon!)

surprising that new email. I found myself a bit in the skin of Maigret, the ghost hunt. I was about to answer the lout he made too many spelling mistakes to be a real enthusiast of Simenon, and spam received could be consecutive to his consultation of adult sites. Finally, I changed my mind, preferring the courtesy to aggression. Above all, this way of writing and the computer skills were not without remembering a friend, nay a colleague's best cyber-policeman that I frequent and some features are found in the character of Lawrence Delapierre a Captain of the Juvenile.
soon I decided to answer in these terms:

Mr unknown
The author is pleased to hear that you're a regular reader of his blog and you have come his novel. But beyond your suffering, You did not mean what you thought of the book.
As for the policeman, he is reassured when you tell him you're not a homonym or near Simenon. The man of the law reminds you about it for a few months, identity theft computer is classified as a crime.
If I've not answered last week was that I thought your email account was the fact one of my friends computer enthusiast, and I would still think that in this place you using improperly hiding one of my friends.

GS responded immediately :

Damned, I'm outed!! Go
I'm nice, I'd give this address as a souvenir!

Thanks Lolo.