Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tenting Of The Left Diaphragm

Reincarnation. ..

is there just one year I sent my email manuscript for "New Authors". At the time entitled Simenon's ghost, it was just finalized. I retouched the winter based on comments from my friends, in view another competition. Then I reworked the spring, following the comments of the committee of readers of "New Authors". I continued to edit it in early June, following the guidance of two professional proofreaders. Finally, I changed a few things during the summer of my first readers reported by officials before a reprint of the book.
Finally ... No, it's never over. Because I still have some changes to make, changes, which come from Switzerland for example, and one or two technical terms to adapt. Those who have read this week VOD have noted the passage of my book thriller pocket in 2010. This is wonderful news. A second life with new cover, back cover another fourth ', etc.. I will come back.
Like I said in my previous post I believe in reincarnation. That of Blood Ink at 36 anyway.
I invite especially all the anonymous writers who possess one or two manuscripts under his elbow to try their luck. Before November 15.
For now, I plunged back in 1943.
In this too I will come back. Maybe.

Monday, October 19, 2009

How Can You Tell If Ringworm Is Healing

Festival Cognac

I had a great weekend. Oh! do not worry, I will not give you an account of the feast offered by the city of Cognac and the famous Otard although there is enough to make the reader salivate. For I will not forget so soon the evening meal in the heart of the castle of Cognac, where yourself or Francis I was born, or reception in the Council Chambers of City Hall to the sound of a jazz band. Idyllic indeed, but outstanding organization, Bernard and his wife Bec at its head. Support from start to finish. No stress. That happiness despite the defeat at the price thriller.
Yeah, I lost. Alexis is Aubenque a facebookiens (you can tell facebouquin too) who won. To his great surprise. Yes, I swear, he did not know. It was all returned, he who galley years, he has abandoned his job as a bookseller to devote himself entirely to his passion. Personally, I am incapable. No win, just leave my job. The great Hugh Pagan told me yesterday, just before the screening of "Case Nicolas Le Floch" he has written and adapted, he always regretted having left the police a decade ago. This is an exciting profession that can not be undone. To this he added that there was a recipe for success: work, work and more work.
Enthusiasts, I crossed a lot this weekend. Writers, actors, journalists and readers. I immediately think of Paul Mercier, Mr. Simenon, whose words I drank three or four times. I think Robert Benoit, who has adapted and prayed for two hours "Letter to my judge" of the Belgian writer. Hat!
And then there are all these writers, these storytellers, those who dream. An environment that I dreamed of integrating even a year ago, a place that scared me a few weeks ago. And for good reason I refuse to place myself in social criticism. Those I met in the lounge at Roissy-en-Brie reassured me. This weekend, Lawrence Scalese, Luke Fivet, Jan and Sir Cedric Thirion including me discover their world. They leave me a place, I share their emotions, their experiences. I thank them.

There are three or four days, I heard abandon this blog, for better turn the page "Blood Ink at 36. To dedicate myself to the best historical thriller that I'm writing. But I can not. I'm not allowed. I still have much to say. Say for example I crossed paths with an actor, Remy Roubakha, likeable and talented everyday in "Cousin" and "Le petit lieutenant," two of my favorite movies. Also say that my next post will perhaps reincarnation. Tell the secrets of the recipe Cognac summit. Say, read, write ... virtuous circle.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Catchy Slogans For Healthy Foods

ticket mood

When I'm tired I tell conn ... full of nonsense. When I'm tired I'm not even able to slow down when approaching the speed camera. The flash has an advantage, that you wake up. When I'm tired I'm uncomfortable, so that I write from the heart, with guts. I just bind my 15th day of work. Uh no, not quite. Of the 15 days, there were two nights in the lot. You can always say I'm paid for, and I do not pay my VP. This is partly true. The true is that I not pay my PV because I ride in a vehicle that is not mine. For cons, the 29 hours of work this weekend (yes, yes, I said 29), it is for show. No recycling craft, no sub. And then I'm leaving for a pair of shoes too, as I waded into the vermin much of the weekend. I still get chills remembering the insects gravediggers I encountered in a squalid corner of Seine-Saint-Denis clinging at all costs in my knees. I'm really not ready for Kholanta. All that to say it's been two weeks since I did not write a ticket. I wish to thank
earlier Vesna, Jean-Baptiste, Fabian, Lawrence and his wife who came to see me in the first exhibition of polar Roissy-en-Brie Sunday, October 3, after spending my morning at work. I spent a good time. Encounters formidable Desaubry Joan, Paul and Benedicte Desforges Colize among others. It was my first salon. I liked it.

I wish able to go to the salon de Choisy-le-Roi Saturday. I could not, because of taf. Too much work, and then I had to layer on the paper describing the latest crime scene. Plus my clothes stank of death. "Noxious odor" say the examiners. "It whips serious bahhhhhh" have told my children when I got home. So I threw a jacket too. Today I was scolded. Yes, yes. Scolded because the clothes of the dead that I dared to recover, covered hopper, fills my workplace. In addition, the maggots, it goes everywhere. Must say there are many. What supply all the fishing clubs in Ile-de-France for several months. I was kindly invited to lay the clothes. So me I said no. In addition to the judge, he will not agree since there is perhaps the killer's DNA on it. So it may stink another two or three days while it dries. Simple as that. There's no choice. Do with.
The next weekend is Cognac. The famous festival of polar, water of life, Charentes, life what. Lots of meetings in perspective. I asked leave to be sure how to get there. I dying to continue my writing, too. But words do not come. "Tomorrow is another day," said Fabien Hedgehog often at the end of its notes of humor. Except that each passing day, the ideas a little more away, just like maggots when you stray from their natural environment. I'm tired but happy. Happy to be alive. Crossing death from time to time, rub the misery quite often tends to make you happy. If so, I assure you. The sun between the towers of Notre-Dame, the cries of seagulls on the Seine, a smile, I drink everything. Carpe diem quam minimum postero credulous, "said Horace. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, wood life, "taking advantage of the present day in the least concern you possible next "far corners of the sordid 9-3, if possible ...