Friday, March 4, 2011

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Facebook and the end of anonymous comments

Soon the end of anonymous comments on the Internet? The question is posed by the newspaper Sud-Ouest on its website: "Facebook on Tuesday launched a new management interface to force users to identify themselves before they leave comments on partner sites .

The "chance" would have it, this announcement comes the day of publication in the Official Journal a decree following the law the law of 21 June 2004 " for confidence in the digital economy " overdue still seven years that everyone will appreciate the opportunism and opportunity ...
This law requires hosts and Internet service providers to keep for one year a range of personal data of users, such as passwords for sites including online shopping, they visited and the comments filed on sites, blogs and forums.
The primary goal is "to prevent (...) acts of terrorism", the police and the gendarmerie who are responsible for obtaining such data, hoping that this goal will not be expanded ...
a godsend, however, in terms of presidential ...
But the reaction of Internet users could result in the proliferation of different passwords on sites to which they are used, the operation would make the work of officials authorized more complex ... In sum, this decree does not make life easier for everyone, far away ...

Southwest points out that most of the time, some sites have a Facebook button " when someone leaves a comment on a partner site social network, this comment will also be posted on his wall . And if a friend tells him on her wall, the answer will be automatically duplicated on the site which had been posted the first comment. ". Facebook argument of wanting to facilitate the work of moderators to "banish certain words, such as insults . .
Now, Southwest has had the good idea to do a survey:

results show that the French, in particular, Aquitaine are not afraid to take their views without doing so anonymously.
A good sign for the sustainability debate.
And you, what do you think? If you go in to vote sense to give better visibility at national level?

Sources: Southwest , IHT

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Parisian coffee or hamburger patty

and Around Odeon in the 6th, there are some very good restaurants, restaurants real atmosphere (the Boissonnerie Fish, The Epigram, Da Rosa, father and daughter, etc..), But where to go to see a summary of the pure Youth highlighted heads (not tipsy), in his shirt and bent bars on loosely tousled blond hair? The Coffee Parisien is rather like a favorite place, of Princess Street and Princes. We are two, it's crowded, as usual, but if you want two seats at the front counter, in front of the grill and cooks. Detail that is important. It is in these moments we are also glad released his hoodie and jacket CM2 because we had too lazy to "be nice", high heels and dress. I concur, the frills are not necessary for the Coffee Parisien.

And there is so beautiful, it almost feels like wing or thigh : we have a vision could not be more direct on the grill and the two cooks who dig their hamburger patties pre -rolled (pelletized) in an iron pan. Gulp. I tell myself that I did well to order a pastrami bagel deluxe (deluxe is for the honey mustard and more, I believe - 13 €) - at the same time, not sure ... where is the hideout pastrami?! My cops took a cheeseburger with hash browns and salad (12 €). The hash brown is still the cool thing to avoid feeling guilty about the fat fries. But at the same time, fried it too. But it's good. See for yourself.

We leave there, sated, not bad what. For pastrami, we never repeat asse z, spin at Schwartz's, and now you can even go to the Mother House where there - sigh of ecstasy - a monomaniac plate pastrami. The joke of the evening comes after. Some friends met along the way "oh you went to Coffee Parisien? You know with the glasses half full of wine, they put them back in a bottle with a funnel for reused? And you also know that meat, often it is outdated?. "Ok, so either they vomited his meal with dignity along the sidewalk, or information is recorded - urban legend or not - by putting the coffee nicely in the black Coffee list of Indiana and others. But it was as nice night, huh.

The Coffee Parisien
4 rue Princesse 75006 Paris

01 43 54 18 18 01 43 54
18 18
There also in the 16th. But is it really worth it? ...
01 43 54 18 18 01 43 54
18 18

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The Other tea, a (very) bad day?

I had decided to resume my work "Tea" on Sunday afternoon when one of my friends asked me (I know life is sometimes done well) to go try the Other tea in the 11th.
I arrive a little late, and find the dude in question being comatose on the seat quite comfortable. We're starting to drool over the slate, which includes muffins, chocolate fudge, a cake with chestnut flour ... Map of teas on its side is really not bad, and my choice (genmaicha = Japanese green tea blended with toasted rice kernels) proves a winner. In short so far so good.
It starts to go wrong when we try to order a cake and the waitress (sister of the boss, very nice but a bit outdated) gently explains that the 5 proposals, there are only two that are available ... "But soon as the muffins will be cooking. You wait?" "Yes, we're going to order a cake to share with chestnuts to wait, and after we take muffins.
We taste so our tea, and heard all the customers ask where are the muffins, and to our dismay the muffinesque situation does not improve. Half an hour later not only are they not cook, but it seems that even the dough is at the planning stage ... We redemandons a little hot water to another waitress, history of waiting, a waitress who looks like us "but to me they want these morons?". She finally consented with a sigh to take our little tea, and returned shortly to close in the quarter filled with: "I had no hot water." Yes it was the dare, but it did ... I almost shot him overthrow of boiling water over the nose, to see if it made him of the effect. I have chosen (a remnant of Education given to me by my parents I suppose) and well I can. Indeed, the water was warm, it would have been useless.
At this stage of our taste, so we are starting to be seriously impatient ... Ok, we can say I'm in rants, my eyes are bloodshot and throw lightning and I really want to start to be too unpleasant. My friend took matters in hand (I think he was afraid that the girl j'étripe with my teeth) and ask for more where are the muffins. The waitress replied just leases it back, but we understand that it is better to forget it.
I asked myself the big questions when I got home (because yes I am like that myself, the metaphysical questions do not scare me) and in particular why they have not erased the cakes are not available on their slate? it takes two seconds and it avoids the disappointment of customers.
My buddy bought them anyway tea (it's a tea shop at the base) but I have stayed away. If we only had exceeded the waitress but nice all the time, I think I experienced this taste differently. Here I am particularly promised not to return. There are plenty of nice cafes in Paris without imposing this kind of adventure.
The Other Tea
Open every day except Monday, from 14h30 to 19h and 15h to 19h Monday
Prices correct: I think € 7 € 50 / 8 tea and cake
tel: 01 78 56 21 56

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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China: The government is attacking the foreign correspondents have coined

The Chinese government seems to fear that anonymous calls to show aired every Sunday over the Internet do not materialize, lashed to foreign correspondents in China. These are the only ones able to report such events if they occurred, the Chinese press being muzzled by censorship. More than a hundred suspected dissidents have also been arrested since last month, and censorship of the internet has been strengthened. Read site

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Orange's presence in Tunisia with the clan Ben Ali

According information delivered Thursday, March 3 by the site Owni information, phone operator Orange has "coined its presence" in Tunisia, and including the allocation of the country's third 3G license, with the son of former Tunisian President Ben Ali, Marwan Mabrouk. Read site

Read this excellent article dated Saturday, June 27, 2009 which reinforces the first:
Divona - France Telecom: The following license
"The capital of the group will be owned 51% by Divona and 49% by France Telecom-Orange. The license was granted in exchange for 257.251 million dinars. Or more than double the initial offer of the French operator amounting to 110.250 million dinars. The minister saw the offer "adequate and acceptable, and this, especially since it has exceeded estimates 46% of Canadian engineering firms and U.S.. The Turkish operator Turkcell, associated with Tunisian businessmen presented, meanwhile, an offer of 207 million dinars. "The entire article on

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Seven women killed in a rally anti-Gbagbo in Abidjan

As the world's attention has turned to Libya, the violence continues in Cote d Ivory. According to informed sources in Abidjan, individuals in uniform riding on a 4x4 that was escorting two ambulances were fired machine guns at a gathering of women RHDP (Rassemblement of Houphouetists for Democracy and Peace), killing at least seven victims (Reuters his side recorded six victims). To read about the site

Abidjan: Aerial view. Side plate.

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France and the Italy, Europe's leading suppliers of arms to Qaddafi

Members of the European Union have sold more than $ 343 million worth of military equipment to Libya in 2009.

From 2005 to 2009, Italy, France, Britain and Germany were the top four sellers of arms to Qaddafi's Libya, according to data collected by the blogger Dan O'Huiginn and relayed by the British newspaper The Guardian .
(Thomas Guillembet,
embargoed until 2004, sales of weapons of Europeans toward Libya are strictly identified by the European Union ( here data for 2009). For all of its members, the total sales in 2009 totaled $ 343 million, rising steadily since 2005. The use of these weapons by the armed forces is controversial since the early revolts, notably Belgium and Italy. Italy is the
biggest seller, with more than $ 111 million for 2009, well ahead of Malta and Germany. Following on the site Libé
View comments (disturbing)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Tunisia: what plays the political police of Ben Ali?

The Revolution Will it forfeited with batons? Tunisia revives police repression. Testimonials.
Des manifestants anti-gouvernementaux affrontent la police à Tunis, le 26 février 2011 (Zoubeir Souissi/Reuters).
These days, the country has experienced a resurgence of violence and repression that the people believed to be part of history. First there were the beatings Saturday and Sunday on Avenue Bourguiba. Rioters and demonstrators been entitled to the same treatment: chased, beaten and arrested. Read Rue89

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Video: Zemmour invited to a discussion of the UMP

Eric Zemmour condemned this fortnight for his slip of March 2010 on "black and Arab traders" ... dressed by the right victim of "too many standards. The holding of the debate held Wednesday night at the National Assembly by the Reformers of Herve Novelli, liberal sensibility of the UMP, and the invitation by the chronicler had been determined before trial. But the theme seemed to cut Custom: "Standards, complexity and individual freedoms: The Air!" Read the article and see video on the website of Liberation
Again: / video / iLyROoafzQjA.html
On topic:
Video: Ruquier tackle Ardisson and Canal + Grand Journal
Video: Live, Ruquier defends Zemmour Eric Zemmour
or freedom of expression
The anachronistic debate on Islam ?

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a time when some are feeling their to a debate on Islam secularism, a touch of humor is essential:

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Libya: "6,000 dead since the beginning of the uprising

violence related to the suppression of the uprising in Libya were 6,000 dead, 3,000 were in the City of Tripoli, said on Wednesday Paris, spokesman for the Libyan League for Human Rights, Ali Zeidan. A follow on


psychology professor Pascal Sutter reviewed the pathology of Libyan dictator and their influence on the exercise of power.
"The features of madness Gaddafi himself used to keep power"

Read Article on

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Web: A decree requires service providers to retain the words Password

A decree published in the Official requires hosts and Internet service providers to keep for one year a series of personal data of internet users, as its confidential codes, and its navigation on the Web.
"The shelf life data (...) is one year," said the decree published Tuesday, made under the Act of June 21, 2004 "Confidence in the Digital Economy" . This law provides that the police and the gendarmerie may require such information "to prevent acts of terrorism (...)".
"Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), which promotes respect for privacy on the Web, told AFP he made in 2007 an opinion on the subject, but it is not public. " To read about
site bbc
On topic:
LOPPSI 2: Nicolas Sarkozy misinformed?
France: The fine internet censorship

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Juppe recalls "bad memories "the victims of the Rwandan genocide

Alain Juppe, whose bio is in English on Wikipedia ...
Alain Juppe recalled "bad memories" of the Collective plaintiffs for Rwanda (CPCR), the source of several complaints against alleged perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide of 1994.
Juppe had been Minister of Foreign Affairs cohabitation in the government of Edouard Balladur from 1993 to 1995. "Many observers or historians have sufficiently engaged the French government of the time for diplomatic support, financial and military support to a beleaguered regime that committed genocide in the face of the world, in the indifference of the international community, "the Collective protests.
"The man who goes to Foreign Affairs of France is one of those who challenged for supporting a genocidal regime, has never felt the slightest remorse or raised any challenge to its action and that of the government which he participated, " he deplores" Read the full Article site's Liberation
On topic:
to Redesign minimum far from "perfect republic"
French diplomacy in question

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The debate on Islam anachronistic?

The recent debate over national identity has left a legacy, on behalf of an uninhibited right, France was still divided on the subject.
I had not participated in the debate organized evil that prompted the single lambda to ask questions they would never normally asked, concerned that it is to build a future in spite crisis. Old demons resurfaced pointing to a portion of the population.

Members of the new UMP fearing further slippage, the name of the debate on Islam has been transformed into a debate "on secularism."

Recently, I was quite ready for this kind of thinking that debate wring the necks of clichés and a priori are expertly distilled by an amalgam of religions, nationalities and roots.

Moreover, it would be an opportunity, once again, for the government to forget a disastrous sequence of our foreign policy, is, nevertheless, that the dark side of the iceberg of a policy far from unanimous since the beginning of the quinquennium of Nicolas Sarkozy.

The finding that raises questions, however. Antisarkozytes the "primary" they were right from the beginning, had they had the finesse to analyze the words of candidate Sarkozy's presidential campaign? History proved them right so they have nothing to be ashamed of their stances.

Francois Bayrou, who had mobilized nearly seven million votes in 2007 and was deeply disappointed the electorate by refusing his real role in bringing people together is the main vector of the progression of NF. Some activists in search of a true leader and disgusted by the attitude of the former president of the UDF and policies in general, have gone to the Nationalist Party which has not yet proven in government. The volatile electorate
François Bayrou seeks always another way, one that had been promised by the president of a new party, the modem. The unfulfilled commitments, a word to the punch and leap that does not happen quickly left the party was right to become "ghostly". Today, the French policy as a whole suffers and pays the price for mistakes mercantile representatives of François Bayrou in the departments.

A instead of wasting our intellectual capacities in a debate anachronistic in light of the profound geopolitical changes in the Arab countries aspiring to democracy and freedom, beyond religious considerations and with a message of hope for coming years, we have other projects more important to treat such as unemployment and new business development and energy, housing, job insecurity and the redistribution of wealth. Read on C4NEWS

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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skak Eat, will dance later ... The

I felt bad from the start, this restaurant pun (for those who do not understand, "shake it") , who wants tonic. The reserve for friends by Fork, this site gives you discounts ... only if you arrive on time e precise. Those friends who are behind, squeak, more discount. The card separated between well-being and lightness and fun & tone: eat lean chicken 100 calories or fat to 200 calories salmon, youhou! I cut myself chewing it ... There's not even enough to annoy those and take a full steak butter.

And be aware that this is not given, since it is supposed to be ... I do not know what actually. No label organic, fair trade. I wonder what they are charging us late alement? The price of cream lightened ? the carrot of the market? Entries are around 7-8 €, meals € between 14 and 23 and desserts at 8 €. This might be OK, but the food smells so balanced that it says is for plucking noodles. I chose the stir-fried salmon, julienned carrots and zucchini, the famous noodle soy and coriander (17 €), so I have to choose my pittance in the "pleasure" ... Forgive me! Small snag one command to 21h, and we receive extreme unction to 22h, and the server that says "yeah, it happens, which takes time" - me in my bad days "and sorry for delay, if not you know? ". When you know you have almost all taken the same, one wonders what the magician has vegetables in the kitchen (I'm not going to talk about cook or head anyway). Two have ventured into the remote regions of the risotto: I have always hard time ordering in a restaurant is not Italian, and there after a light bite, you immediately see that is porridge, nothing is stored rice. My wok is (w) OK. Well, not worth talking about more than that.

I told myself that this was not the penalty not to take a dessert my cronies have attempted beads japan chocolate (not possible, the chocolate does not marry at all with small beads and chokes them completely), a light cloud to passion (fade, which is pasión?), and panna cotta ( the only thing to save I think). We had a pitcher of white wine (14 € the 50cl), because the bottle to 30 €, how you say it will not happen in this context ...

is really a place that is "nice", for "dinner with girls" (the male was rare - if not the server), and clearly put the food aside. Again, if you want dinner, light lunch you can simply eat fresh produce, without a ladle of cream (although it's good), and not flogged to go to such places as I can definitely not Pifre. That said, I can understand that by going with a reduction of the Fork, it may be worth price level, but again, it is well worth it ?.... If you're in the area, push farther and Ste Anne will make you happy in Kunitoraya or Teï Happe! (And besides, it's cheaper)

Shake Eat
17 rue de Choiseul 75002 Paris

January 1940 64 July 1990
Open Monday to Saturday

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Karachi: Longuet hearing is requested, the name Fillon cited

The redesign of this weekend is already upset by the developments of the case Karachi. Several plaintiffs, made in the financial aspect of the case require a hearing today by the justice of the new defense minister, Gerard Longuet, as a former chairman of the Republican Party. And the name of the Prime Minister, Francois Fillon, appear first in the file. Read on the site

On topic:
Karachi: The former treasurer of Balladur questioned a payment of CHF 7 million to redesign
minima far from "perfect republic"

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rents rising again

The rents for new leases of private housing stock in France, after stagnating in 2009, are starting to rebound in 2010, according to figures from the observatory Clamor published Tuesday.
Photo prise le 28 décembre 2001 à Paris
AFP / File
In 2010, rents for new leases and renewals of leases in the park Private grew on average by 2.5%, against only 0.1% in 2009, on a basis of about 250,000 references, according Clamor.
This moderate increase of rents, called "market" is above inflation (1.5%) but remains below average (+3.2%) recorded since the establishment of this observatory in 1998.
New leases and lease renewals annually cover about 1.5 million households in about 6 million live in private rental housing.
The rent of "market" has averaged 12.3 euros/m2 with a very wide price range (from 3.5 euros/m2 to 54.0).
For 2011, the increase should be "comparable to that of 2010," or about 2.5%, according to Michel Mouillart, author of the study.
The most notable increases in 2010 among cities with more than 60,000 inhabitants, including concern Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis, +7.4%), Villeurbanne (+7.3%), Saint-Quentin (+7 2%), Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine, +6.8%), Aix-en-Provence (+6.3%), Lyon (+5.9%), Lorient (+5.7 %), Orleans (+5.5%), Lille (+5.0%). Paris is at 3.2%.
Major declines, there is Mérignac (Gironde, -6.7%), Vitry-Sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne, -6.0%), Troyes (-2.2%), Mulhouse (-2.2%, Toulouse (-2.2%), Cannes (-1.8%), The Rochelle (-1.7%), Grenoble (-1.3%), Le Mans (-1.2%) and Neuilly S / Seine (-0.9%).

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Award after the Oscars!

Hello everyone,

Today I received an award from Mylène Bouchard , Roseline Houle and Isabelle Melançon Two of the demonstrators Incredible Embossing Canada. That of Stylish Bogger Award because they love my work. Thank you very much girls. It warms my heart!

To accept this award, I must tell you 8 things about me you probably do not know. So I start! Here's a little bit about me:
  1. I paint on wood. I loved it before, but now I have less time ...

  2. travel fascinate me. I have been to Ireland, France (3 times), England, New York, North Carolina, Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica and Grand Cayman (the last three stops during the cruise). I do not get tired, hence my new career choice: tourism. I plan to go to Italy, Greece (ouiiiii oh!) And in Spain one day (and everywhere else too!:)).

  3. My mother died two weeks after I delivered my first daughter, Rafael.

  4. I still believe in marriage and I wish to marry a day ... My boyfriend does not understand just yet! :)

  5. Bébitte I am a sugar ... I have a weakness for baklava ...

  6. Yes, I admit, I love the Twilight series! It makes me gaga this movie teens!

  7. However, I love True Blood ... Twilight for adults only! In fact, I'm a maniac TV series. It's convenient because I do not listen to broadcasts on a specific schedule. I'd rather slam a box set when I can. I like Smallville (now the 10th season ... it would end soon I guess), Lost, Prison Break.Grey 's Anatomy, etc.. Several me talked about other series, but ... it takes time to listen epidos 22!

  8. I love music of Jason Mraz, Nora Jones, Colbie Caillat and Jack Johnson

Phew, now I'm done. You know me a little more now. I tried to vary a little subjects. I leave you now with a few sites that I like. I stress again the work of Mylène Bouchard and Isabelle Melançon is magnificent. Bravo! For awards to demonstrators that followed, I am based on their amazing projects that inspire me greatly. Some are of the team, and others do not. I wanted to change!

  1. Marika Lemay
  2. Me, and I stamp my
  3. Caroline Martel http://www.lesateliersenfete. / Kimberly Van Diepen
  5. Carrie Gaskin
  6. Niki Toll /
  7. Roseline Houle
  8. Angela Timms

I'm going now to announce that I have outlined on my site! Some are not at their top prize, but hey, when there 's talent, there's talent! :)

Good day everyone!


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Edwy Plenel-Book: The President too

THE BOOK: In 2012, it is not enough to dismiss the man. Again he will invent a democratic and social Republic

Presidentialism presidential system is that fundamentalism is religions, what is the absolute monarchies, that sectarianism is belief. This is not the fact that there is a presidency of the Republic, the Republic is in the hands of the President. Bequest of Bonapartism French, who secularized the Caesarian monarchy by divine right over the ruins of an unfinished democratic revolution and betrayed, our presidentialism is a regime of exception become the norm. A standard excess which has continued to grow and which will hyperprésidence Sarkozyist staged decomposition form of corruption in the public mind and abasement of France abroad, Republic of ridiculed and humiliated nation. Read
plug the book on the site

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Guaino spent his Christmas holidays in Libya

The special adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, Henri Guaino, spent his Christmas vacation in Libya well before the start of the uprising that threatens the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, during a private visit, Les Inrockuptibles reveal forthcoming Wednesday, March 2.
In an interview with the weekly, Henri Guaino confirms having spent "four days and four nights around New Year's Eve at the ambassador of France in Tripoli as" private. "
Read the IHT Since

says ... Finally ... he said before others speak for him ...

fault confessed is half redressed? We will say that it is the fault "to" history if our policies have made some bad habits?
What can we find so interesting in dictatorships?

Arab revolutions are now a real and urgent challenge.
Juppe's appointment of Foreign Affairs can not erase decades of bad relations to say the least. It seems that even journalists have to change their habits were the same as policies ... dixit FOG Grand Journal de Canal + 28 February.

Our country, as I suspected, sank into corruption that dare not speak its name.
On topic:
Tunisia-Guaino: "This is not the first time that firing live rounds at the rioters" (video)

Diffusion And Osmosis)?

Algeria, land preferred policies

view of the capital Algiers

The friendships between some politicians and regimes of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya were harmed in the French diplomacy. What is Algeria, where a new event takes place this Saturday? sought to understand the value of policies for this country.

They are all gone. Claude Gueant, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Michele Alliot-Marie on the right, Manuel Valls, François Hollande, Jean-Pierre Chevenement left. All passed by Algeria in 2010. Algeria, with which France maintains a passionate relationship, the result of a complex historical legacy .

Read more on the website of the Express

On topic:
Algeria : a young man dies after being sacrificed to Redesign
minima far from "perfect republic"
"Francois Fillon oversees private travel Ministers'
The "friend" of MMA and Ollier accused of having transported mercenaries Gaddafi
The "know how" safe in the French world
Policies in Egypt and Tunisia: Can I use the word corruption?
French diplomacy in question
Tunisia, Egypt: Authorities and Holdings
Tunisia-Guaino: "This is not the first time we fired live actual rioters "(video)
Police French riot police formed the Bahrain
Middle East: democracy endlessly pour tears of blood (videos)


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Video: When no longer in Galliano lace

" I love Hitler" ( "I love Hitler" "People like you are dead. Your mother, your ancestors would have all was fucking gassed. "
This video" amateur "very eloquent was intended, I think, to end his rantings because it would not his first attempt.

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n'demande We only laugh: The candidates refuse to do the live Monday's blog

They explained on Facebook. This is the little of Pascal Jumoristes. Humorist Jean Blaguin relays their statement that can be read HERE
On Facebook, the little Pascal denounces the injustice of this issue , respondent at one of their fans:

"The jury did not consider all candidates equally. They allow things to each other that they prohibit. Some comedians have used parts of their show, or even all of their show, sometimes being off topic ... and the jury did not say anything! While other comedians have been criticized for doing so.
It is much easier to play a well-oiled public sketch a sketch performed for the first time. It's like to race a car that has passed all reliability tests and a prototype of all blank tests.
In my case I am not against them using one of their show, where it is relevant to the topic. But while this is said and that the law be the same for everyone. The duration of the sketches are not the same for all candidates (So when the time line Monday to vote is not the same).
Candidates are selected by knowing in advance that they will not go very far in the show buzzer or even on their first passage. Comedians are in connection with the jury, which distorts impartiality. The jury judge according to his tastes and interest (small quote from Jean-Luc Moreau "If the public likes is that it tastes bad).
They keep on the show and do what is right for the ratings, the rest does not matter ...
Le P'tit Pascal "
I had seen the excesses of the issue in an article in October . I already thought that the jury was "foo foo" but since the arrival of Catherine Barma is worse because it
"at the head of the customer." Terrible scathing jury that nothing really proved.
A jury composed of "Unknown", you know real comedy ... it would really mouth ... But probably too expensive for this show that often puts us ill at ease with such contempt for the buzz or others whose "face" does not return. There was
Alain Doucet, who had a duo whose loved the world (but which was not doing enough "audiences" for Catherine Barma) that can be found on its website .
And Ringo and Jimmy, wish cheesy (too cheesy, as the jury) are hilarious, real clowns,

you enjoy delivery on France 2. Again, we feel a real bias on the part of the jury. They should have been submitted to the votes of viewers but the jury was eager to get rid of that evening.
It is true that some people laugh more easily than others (like me :-) and greet new people easily. As for some others, they should remove the misplaced brush that prevents them from relaxing ...

Note: There is a petition
The case is taken seriously, as you can see :-), you do not mess with the basic principles of humor :-)

Article visible on C4News